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Thursday, June 14, 2012

How Hotmail Became Hot – The history of viral marketing

When you hear the term "viral marketing", you probably don't get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. That is, unless you know the history of how it began and the incredible story of what it's become.

For internet marketers and business owners alike, viral marketing has not only woven its way into the advertising and marketing culture of modern-day success stories, but it is quickly becoming as necessary as billboards, newsletters and direct mail campaigns were just a decade ago. In fact, some may argue, it has already surpassed these archaic forms of marketing and is now the single most cost-effective, reliable and strategic way to share information while gaining customers through an approach that truly offers the most bang for your buck.

So how did this technologically-driven marketing approach get its start? One word – Hotmail. Thanks to Hotmail, the first among free web-based email service providers, viral marketing has taken on a life of its own.

When Hotmail first began, they decided that the best way to entice new customers would be to reach the friends, family and colleagues of each user they had. So, in the footer of each and every email that was sent from a Hotmail account, the Hotmail team placed a link that read something like this: "Want a free email account? Sign-up for Hotmail today!" And yes, believe it or not, this strategy went, as we know call it, viral. Hundreds of thousands of users hurriedly signed up for their free email accounts and the rest is history.

That Hotmail model is the foundation for the viral marketing we are familiar with today. From Facebook, to Twitter, to YouTube and LinkedIn, viral marketing takes many shapes and forms. It can vary in approach and evolve within each format, but the bottom line is to share information and do so on a large-scale – for free. Rather than spend thousands on expensive advertising campaigns, businesses (both large and small) have come to recognize viral marketing as a cost-effective way to not only get their message across, but to increase sales and improve business overall. It truly is a phenomenon that continues to gain momentum.

And the more businesses that recognize viral marketing as an acceptable and reliable form of marketing, the more intriguing this approach becomes. Why? Because more and more people and businesses are joining the conversation. More and more we are seeing the positive effects of viral marketing and it doesn't seem to be slowing down any time soon.

While Hotmail has suffered the consequences of major competition, they are still an important player in the email game, and an extremely influential model in the world of internet marketing. As the grandfather of viral marketing, Hotmail will forever be recognized as the service that started it all. Thanks to them, we have all been bitten by the viral marketing bug and our businesses are better for.


Source White Market

Honey vs. Sugar?

Are There Really Any Health Benefits to Raw Honey, or is it as Bad as Refined Sugar?

I'm sure from reading these newsletters, you already know my stance that artificial sweeteners are pretty much one of the most evil things you can put in your body.

This leaves many people confused about what to use to sweeten their tea and other food and drinks.

First of all, the less of any sweetener you can use, the better… if you can slowly over time adjust your taste buds to enjoy the natural taste of foods and drink without the need for heavily sweetening them, you'll see many benefits for your body including maintaining more stable blood sugar and insulin levels, managing your body weight, and reducing inflammatory effects of too much sugars and artificial sweeteners.

However, this leaves the question… If you really want to at least use a little sweetener for your tea, coffee, or other foods or drinks, should you use sugar or honey, or another sweetener?

The easy answer is that honey is definitely better for you than refined sugar. However, keep in mind that they are both calorie dense and eating large amounts of honey will still make you deposit body fat if it means you exceed your caloric maintenance level.

However, refined sugar is a "negative" nutrient… this means that it is literally devoid of nutrition and using it actually makes your body use up stored nutrients to process it.

Honey on the other hand has many beneficial nutrients, enzymes, and antioxidants… raw honey is best as typical honey processing (the kind of honey you'll find at your grocery store) destroys many of the enzymes and antioxidants that give the benefits of raw honey.  Personally, I don't use any honey other than raw honey… it's a no brainer.  You can find raw honey at certain health food stores or online at:

Also, another benefit of honey (raw) is that it has been shown in several studies to improve the body's ability to process glucose, whereas refined sugar negatively affects your body's ability to process glucose over time.

I've also seen studies that indicate another benefit of raw honey may be in the reduction of symptoms of allergies (if the raw honey is from the region you live in most of the year).

In fact, I don't use refined sugar for anything at all. It's either raw honey, pure maple syrup (not fake corn syrup), or the natural non-caloric sweetener stevia for all of my sweetening needs. Those are better choices than processed refined sugar or nasty health-destroying artificial sweeteners.

If you liked todays articles, feel free to copy and email this link on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

Watch This Amazing Video For More Information

Source White Market

Hardware Products to Enhance Aircraft Experience – Flight Sim

Yoke USB Flight Simulator GameHave you ever thought of going beyond what is usual when it comes to playing aircraft games.

If you have been an aircraft enthusiast for a long period of time, you might want to consider getting more enhancement products such as a flight sim yoke USB.

These yokes are designed to give you a unique touch when it comes to flight experience.

It adds up to the excitement as well as the learning process so one can more appreciate what these simulators can do to enhance your skills in flying.

You are probably wondering what hardware enhancements can do for your aircraft gaming system, right?

First, it would be able provide you as much support when it comes to helping you learn more about flying aircrafts properly.

Everybody wants to learn how to fly the real thing and with the use of products like a flight sim yoke USB, you will not only learn the basics but will be able to maneuver an aircraft in various ways just like you were a real pilot flying your own aircraft.

This usb yokes are created to compliment flight simulators.

And through the use of a usb port, it then allows the player to plug and play with it conveniently.

This lessens the hassle of downloading compatible software to fit your whole gaming system.

With the use of these yokes, one would be able to control movements that may have to do with an aircarft's propeller, flaps as well as the gear.

Though this one can easily perform pitches, rolls, and switching.

This yoke feature allows you to enough power over the aircraft and allow it to move freely according to your own calculations in navigating.

So, instead of just keeping yourself indulged with the same old keyboard commands, you can now plug a flight sim yoke USB to your system and start experiencing what it is to fly an aircraft as if it was the real thing.

Of course to be able to work on the whole reality thing when it comes to flying, you should be able to have your hardware work with a software that is capable of supporting such enhancements.

The appropriate flight simulator would allow you to attach not only yokes but other products as well such as pedals, throttles and other hardware that would let you experience what is it like to fly various aircrafts.

With enough understanding of what available options you have when it comes to these flight simulators you will surely find one that would be able to meet your gaming expectations.

Get as much information you can online, and eventually you will be able to get access to a unique gaming system that would not only enhance your gaming experience but allow you to learn from it from time to time.

Download Your Copy Now

Source White Market

Herbal Remedies for Asthma

Asthma sufferers heavily rely on medicine to keep their condition under control. They use inhalers in case of emergency and specific medicine on a daily basis. However, the overuse of these medicines can significantly affect the human body, as there are many counter indications which, in time, will harm the body and make it even more sensitive to external factors. But what if you could obtain the same results as when  taking medicine, but without having those dangerous side effects? What if you could live your normal life and treat your condition in a natural way, without being necessary  to ingest all kinds of chemical? Would this not be great?

Well, I think that most asthmatics will surely enjoy the possibility of totally removing the medicines from their lives and start a new life by treating their condition using herbs. This thing is possible and it has been done from long time by other cultures. There are two main mixes of herbs which can help asthmatics live their life the natural way, without chemical drugs which were temporary alleviating their suffering, but had disastrous effects on the long run.

The first mix of herbs is one highly used in Middle East countries, which consists of chamomile, cinnamon, sage, black cumin seeds, cloves, rosemary, spearmint and thyme, as well as other similar herbs with therapeutic effects. This combination of herbs has been used for centuries in Middle East countries to treat asthma or at least alleviate its symptoms.

The other herb combination which is believed to have great effects upon the human body and offer great results in treating asthma is the mixture called Saiboku-To. This mixture, which has its origins in Asia contains ten herbs, from which the best known are ginger, magnolia, Baikal skullcap, licorice and Korean ginseng. Most of the patients which have been treated using this Asian blending of herbs reported serious improvement in their conditions and reductions in their steroidal medication.

If you suffer from asthma, you should definitely try at least one of these blends. They have the advantage of being 100% natural and of not presenting any side effects which may damage or affect your health in a negative way.

More Information About Asthma Cure Click Here

Source White Market

Getting Access to a Flight Simulator Game Online Have you ever played a flight simulator game online?

Getting Access to a Flight Simulator Game Online Flight Simulator GameHave you ever played a flight simulator game online?

Well, this is actually worth trying for.

If you have played various aircraft games on your very own gaming system, then playing the game online would be more exciting and enjoyable.

Since online games have been a fad for a long time now, the long time existence of flight simulators did not make them obsolete up to this point.

Flight sim software providers have thought of building their own interactive sites for aircraft flying enthusiasts so they could enjoy a taste of the sim game online.

So, this time around you don't just enjoy the game that you have downloaded to your PC but you can go online to try out other flight sim games as well.

More often these flight simulator game online providers would ask for you to sign in to their site and once you are a member, you will have access to almost all the online activities that they have in store including flight sim demos, videos, interactive forums, updates, addons and other downloadable stuff that you can enjoy with your flight sim.

Getting access to these aircraft games online is easy.

All you have to do is to go to your favorite flight sim provider and search for their member site section to sign in or register for complete access.

Some providers may ask for a fee for this however others can provide you complete access to various online activities for free, and may even provide you a free course for a promotional offer.

What is ore fascinating about a free flight simulator game online is that it enhances your flight experience and bring you to other challenging levels that you may not find with your own basic downloaded flight sim.

Some sim providers just have the right thing when it comes to attracting more gamers to try what they have and they offer.

Online, they provide additional combat scenes, additional scenery, and any other features that are close enough to experiencing the real thing when it comes to flying.

So if you enjoy what is already stored on your PC then you'll definitely enjoy playing the game online too.

However, if you are looking for other options when it comes to flight sim games, you can count on trying out a flight simulator game online one at a time to compare one flight experience from another.

This would allow you to decide on which aircraft game is the best for you and you won't be spending on some other lousy game that could waste your time and your money at the same time.

Download Your Copy Now

Source White Market

Flight Simulator Addon Features For Your Aircraft Gaming System

Flight Simulator Addon Features For Your Aircraft Gaming System Flight Simulator GameYou might be wondering what a flight simulator addon is for when it comes to playing your favorite aircraft game.

This actually is a question being asked for those who aren't that much aware on up to what extent could they bring their flight sim game experience to.

These addons can definitely add more challenge to the aircraft game that you are playing, and bring you that closer to real flying.

As an aircraft game enthusiast who is interested in finding an aircraft simulator that is more exciting and challenging, you should opt to get access to those addons and make your flight experience more enjoyable as possible.

Because these addons can definitely add that more realistic touch for your game and at the same time let you experience what a real pilot does when he navigate his plane or any other aircraft.

Most of these flight simulator addon features that you can encounter would include having an enhanced sound system, giving you the ability to add some hardware enhancement to allow you to understand more about navigating rudder pedals, switches and landing gears, planning your destination and your journey as a pilot beforehand so you can practice avoiding certain risks when flying aircrafts, and many more training activities for flying an aircraft appropriately.

Having these addon features installed together with your current aircraft game, would definitely allow you to feel the ultimate experience in real life flying from time to time.

And this is one of the reasons why aircraft simulators have not only been popular with aircraft enthusiast but even real pilot themselves.

Having all those features that can help you train yourself accordingly with real life flying, can truly make you feel that you are navigating a real jet fighter plane or even a helicopter.

Now, if you are to search for the right simulation game that can meet such unique experience, then you should opt to look for one that is capable to provide you addons and software downloads that would allow you to enhance your whole flight gaming experience.

Through this, you are not only adding enjoyment to your life but you are also doing yourself a favor by getting gaming software that is worth the value of your money.

Your best shot in finding the right software is through conducting a research on your own, and getting enough information about the latest flight softwares today that can offer you more than you can ever ask for.

Through reading reviews, joining flight sim forums and reading articles, you'll definitely find the one that you are looking for.

Download Your Copy Now

Source White Market

Get rid of tonsil stones

When you open your mouth and notice a white smelly rock sitting on your tonsils, then i got some news for you, this is just the start of some years of bad breath and anxiety. What you will probably do is go online and try to figure out what exactly is growing on your tonsils. After a few minutes of research online you will soon discover that what you actually have is something called tonsilloliths, or some people call it tonsil stones. So how do you get rid of tonsil stones? That is the million dollar question…

There are several ways to banish tonsil stones, one way is you can try to cough out the stone. Gagging and trying to use your throat to squeeze out the stone does in fact work sometimes. Another way to get rid of tonsil stones is by using a plastic curved tip syringe also called waterpik to squirt it out with water. Almost like rinsing it out of the hole it is stuck in. How to get rid of tonsil stones is by filling up the syringe with water, point it at the stone and then fire with water. That normally dislodges the stone immediately. If your tonsil starts to bleed then you should stop completely. Its not meant to bleed, the water is meant to be just enough to dislodge the tonsillolith.

These methods I just mentioned are ways to banish tonsil stones, but it doesn't get rid of tonsil stones forever. These foul smelling rocks will keep returning until you find out the underlying reason why your body is forming them. How to get rid of tonsil stones permanently involves holistic natural remedies. Which is the permanently way to stop these tonsilloliths forming.

Don't give up just yet, you are minutes away from learning how to get rid of tonsil stones from your life. Soon you will discover this simple and easy method to banish tonsil stones for good. I've helped thousands of people all around the world get rid of tonsil stones, its been almost 4 years now since I've written this book. And it really has helped alot of people get back their confidence and get their health back on track. So I hope you give yourself a chance to banish tonsil stones and get rid of tonsil stones permanently. Please visit my website for more information how to get rid of tonsil stones.

For More Information Click Here

Source White Market

Enjoy Your Gaming Experience with a Flight Simulator Software

Flight Simulator GameThose who love aircrafts and would like to maneuver different ones from time to time can enjoy a great gaming and flying experience with a flight simulator software.

These aircraft softwares allows you to experience flying whatever aircraft you choose as if it is real.

These aircraft simulator games would entail software and hardware for you to make use of.

The software itself is built to be compatible to your gaming device and allow you to learn how to fly various aircrafts that you can try out to make that boring life a little bit more exciting.

Various softwares includes various features that you may take advantage of.

However, to find the best simulator software that would let you enjoy the ultimate gaming experience when it comes to flying, you need to a little more research yourself.

More often you may find flight simulator updates through aircraft-inspired magazines.

Although it may be easier for you to search for current updates and news regarding new software releases and even get add-ons online.

You'll probably focus on the additional features that the software can provide like for instance selecting weather changes and environmental settings, choosing from a wide variety of aircrafts, as well as the start airport and the runway details.

You may also would like to consider the hardware support which includes the joystick, yoke, rudder pedals and even keyboard controls.

These hardware components would help you experience almost the real thing.

What is more amazing about the latest flight simulators nowadays is that they are graphically designed almost close to perfection so you can experience flying while looking at different sceneries such as towns, cities, rivers, railroads, lakes and other world wide sceneries to enjoy.

However, if you are more interested in getting more familiar with the full scenery of various airports, you may find software packages which includes quite a number of real world airports available for you to look into.

This is one reason why an aircraft simulator cannot only be used for gaming but it can help a pilot train himself with other stuff and details about flying a wide variation of aircrafts available.

These simulators can definitely help a pilot refresh himself with certain procedures needed when flying, as well as try out some dangerous maneuvers without putting himself into risk or danger.

This is a one of a kind gaming software that many flight enthusiasts, beginner pilots or even flight professionals who would like to know more about flying an aircraft.

This could be both a form of leisure as well as a form of training to those who would like to fly aircrafts.

Download Your Copy Now

Source White Market

Don’t Recognize a Number?


Have you ever found a number in your wallet, purse, pants pocket or somewhere else that you don't recognize? It has happened to us all before; talking to a co-worker, friend, boss, or client and we are in a hurry. We scrawl the number down on a sheet of paper, a torn up napkin, or a piece from the side of the donut box and we don't add a name. Later, you find this number and you're totally confused and have no idea where the number came from. This can be a serious pain in the neck. Sure, you could call the number and find out who it belongs to, but what if it's someone you really don't want to talk to? What if you scrawled that number down with the intentions of tossing it into the garbage as soon as you were out of sight of its owner? What if it's important though? How can you tell if you should keep the number or not? Well, there is finally a way.
Many times you will find that this number is a cell phone number, so it's not as simple as doing a reverse land line lookup. However, with recent technology and the launching of a few different websites like you can find out who a cell phone number belongs to as well. The thing is, you can also find out much more. You simply visit this site or a similar one and type the cell phone number in. Within seconds you will be provided with the name of the person who owns the cell phone number.
You will also be provided with other details, such as their home address. Not sure whether they are safe or not? No problem. You are also provided with their criminal and civil court records as well as local and national arrest records. You can find out if the person who owns the phone number has ever been convicted of a crime or been arrested for something. So, simply by logging in, you are able to tell who the number belongs to, what kind of person they are, where they live and what their home phone number is. It's very simple to do and you don't have to worry about the other person knowing that you have searched their number. So, if you don't want to call them back – no problem. Ditch the number and that's that. However, if it's an important number you can call them immediately.
See, you no longer have to worry about finding a number that you don't recognize. All you have to do is give it a quick look up and you're good to go. This is quite useful for people with busy schedules as these are the people who typically scratch down numbers like this. No more calling someone you don't want to talk to or throwing away important numbers. Follow the advice and tips above and you will be covered.

Free Join To Online Investigations Now


Source White Market

Can This 1 Unique Spice Help to Fight Abdominal Fat?

This spice that I'm going to mention is one of the most overlooked, but healthiest spices in the world…

You might even call it a "fat burning spice"… in a roundabout way.

And yes, it can actually help you win the battle against abdominal fat if you use it daily…I'll explain why.

Here are some other benefits of this miracle spice:

So what is this miracle spice that beats abdominal fat?

Well… it's good old tasty Cinnamon!

Although cinnamon does NOT directly increase fat burning (such as by increasing metabolic rate, etc), it CAN actually help you to burn off abdominal fat and get leaner in an indirect way.

Here's how…

Although cinnamon has dozens of health benefits, the main benefit that will help you to get leaner is through it's strong effect on controlling blood sugar levels in your body.

In a study published in 2003 in the medical journal Diabetes Care, groups were split into people taking 1, 3, or 6 grams of cinnamon per day in capsule form (the equivalent of approx 1/4th to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon).

The results of the study showed that all 3 amounts of cinnamon reduced fasting blood glucose levels by 18-29% after 40 days.

Cinnamon can also increase insulin sensitivity, which essentially means that it is helping your body to control blood sugar while simultaneously allowing your body to produce less insulin.

As you know, chronically high insulin levels can make your body pack on the blubber.

How to harness cinnamon to lose stubborn belly fat…

One possible way to benefit from cinnamon to lose more fat is to use cinnamon daily in your meals when you can, such as in yogurt or cottage cheese, in smoothies, oatmeal, or anything else you can think of where it would go well.

Also, you could use a cinnamon capsule before each of your meals, particularly if you're going to have more than 30 grams of carbs in that meal.

This could help to control blood sugar and insulin response from your meals and thereby control your appetite and cravings throughout the day… hence, helping you to lose body fat more effectively over time.

So now you can see that not only is cinnamon a powerful antioxidant that can help you stay youthful longer, it can also help you to control blood sugar and get a leaner body!

Watch This Amazing Video For More Information

Source White Market

Blood Pressure – The Basics

Blood pressure (bp) is defined as the force in the arteries when the heart beats (systolic pressure) and when the heart is in between beats (diastolic pressure). It's measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). The measurement is written one above or before the other, with the systolic number on top and the diastolic number on the bottom.Hypertension, is defined in an adult as a blood pressure greater than or equal to 140 mmHg systolic pressure or greater than or equal to 90 mmHg diastolic pressure.
Increased pressure in blood vessels directly increases the risk of heart attack, coronary heart disease and stroke.

Hypertension can occur in children or adults, but it's more common among people over 35. It's particularly prevalent in blacks, middle-aged and elderly people, obese people, heavy drinkers and women who are taking birth control pills. It may run in families, but many people with a strong family history of hypertension never have it. People with diabetes mellitus, gout or kidney disease are also more likely to have hypertension.

Some people can have hypertension for years without knowing it. The only way to know if you have hypertension is to have your bp checked. According to recent estimates, one in four U.S. adults has hypertension, but because there are no symptoms, nearly one-third of these people don't even know they have it. This is why high bp is often called the "silent killer."

A single reading showing high blood pressure doesn't mean you have hypertension, but it's a sign that you need to watch it carefully. High blood pressure is typically only diagnosed after consistent or consecutive high readings.

If your bp is normal, get it checked at least every two years. If your blood pressure is near the top of the normal range, or if you have a family history of high blood pressure, you're at higher risk. Your doctor will tell you how often to have it checked.

You are only a heart beat away from your last one.

Michael Wolfe Grafstein is a registered massage therapist who discovered he had the "silent killer" hypertension by receiving two electrical shocks that ran from his left hand through to his left chest twice within a fifteen minute time period. He feels very lucky to be alive today. He has suffered the consequences of side effects of blood pressure medication and has discovered a way to lower high blood pressure with out the side effects of hypertension medication naturally

For More Information Click Here

Source White Market

Avoid The Causes Of Eczema and Beat It For Good


Eczema is caused more by several different factors, each one increasing the discomfort level until the threshold is reached and you are in a full blown itching attack, ripping your poor skin to shreds. Fear not though, if you take the time to learn how to understand and recognize these factors, you can significantly reduce the impact that the condition can have on your life. Check out my tips below to get the better of Eczema today.

The #1 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Dry Skin. A lot of people will argue this point, stating that that the dry skin is a simple symptom of the Eczema. This may be true, but think about it for a second-what's the most irritating thing about Eczema, the thing that causes most discomfort? The itching right? Well if you can combat that dry skin, you can go a long way to beating the itch too. The key is to keep it moisturized. Moisturize at least twice a day, preferably after bathing or showering. Dab yourself down with the towel, and apply the moisturizer to damp skin. This will help lock the moisture from the bath into your skin.

The #2 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Ignorance toward diet. Most people have no idea how much your diet can affect your skin and the condition of it. To put it plainly, if you aren't giving your skin the right nutrients, it can't heal itself, so your Eczema will only get worse.
Foods that are high in acidity are often blamed for exacerbating the Eczema condition, there is something in the acid in some foods which reacts very badly.

The #3 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Scents. Silly as it sounds, the perfuming agents in many detergents/soaps etc has awful effects on your eczema. Have you noticed that sometimes nothing can irritate your skin more than having it brush up against your clothing all day? This is most often due to the scenting agents in the clothing. If you can change over to unscented soaps, detergents, shampoos etc, you will most likely find your clothing is suddenly more comfortable for you.

The #4 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Clothing itself. We already mentioned the damaged that scented clothing can have, but did you know that just your clothing alone can prove to be pretty formidable? Most Eczema patients have no idea that sometimes when they experience a worsening of the condition, it can be down to the very clothing they are wearing. Certain fabrics can be a real curse. As a general guide, avoid anything woolen or obviously itchy, and try to wear 100% cotton clothing as often as possible.

More Information To Eczema Treatment Click Here

Source White Market

Avoid Humid and Cold Places when You Suffer from Angular Cheilitis

Angular Cheilitis is probably one of the worst conditions which can affect your skin as it provokes deep cracks in the skin, provoking sores which may eventually start to bleed. There are cases in which the patient finds it hard to perform its normal activities like eating or speaking. Because this condition develops quite fast and it can become rather severe in a short period of time it is necessary to start a treatment right from the first signs. Yet, in order for the treatment to be highly effective, you have to stay away from the factors which have caused this condition or from those which may further aggravate it.

Among those factors which can make this condition worse we should name the bad dietary habits which should be replaced with proper nutrition and also some vitamin supplements; the existence of folds around the mouth, which favors the accumulation of moisture (most often are caused by bad dentition or dentures that do not fit well) and an improper oral hygiene.

It is also important to avoid cold places when you suffer from Angular Cheilitis. This is mainly because the cold weather increases the sensation of chapped lips. People's tendency when having chapped lips is to lick them to alleviate the pain and moisturize them. However, this is a false sensation as the more you lick your lips the more damage you cause them. The saliva is not a good moisturizer and when it evaporates it further dries your skin, aggravating your condition. In addition to that the saliva contains bacteria so you grow the number of bacteria from the area affected by Angular Cheilitis each time you lick your lips.

Humid places should also be avoided, as in these places the bacteria develop much faster, thus the risk of infections is even bigger. Instead you should stay in dry places and moisturize the skin using lip balms, ointments and creams which will trap the bacteria in between, thus killing them.

If you want to treat Angular Cheilitis faster, then you should stay away from humid places and cold ones. If this means that you will spend most of your time indoors, then you should do so. Exposing yourself to such harsh environments will only make the condition worse and your nightmare even longer and probably more painful!

For More Information Click Here

Source White Market

Anxiety At Work Meetings

One of the most common times people feel anxious at work (after getting called in to see the boss) is at meetings where you are expected to speak up in front of many others.

Let me give you a few quick tips on how best to approach those meetings:300x250 Graphics

Generally these type of work meetings involve a group of people sitting around taking it in turns to speak. Most people anxious about speaking in public dread their turn and hope some divine intervention will save them from having to speak at all.

To get around this try the opposite approach. Pretend to yourself and the group that you are actually dying to speak. Before you enter the room, say to yourself:

"I'm going to speak at any reasonable opportunity that presents itself"

-Be positively itching to speak!

-Before the meeting kicks off, talk to everyone around you. Don't sit there in silence.

-If you have a short presentation to make and you don't like the idea of having to do it in one go, break it up by asking those present questions during your talk. This puts the focus back on the group and can help you feel less under pressure.

-If everyone has to speak, it can really take the pressure off to be first up but if you can't be first then start asking questions of the other speakers when they are finished if that is appropriate.

Come across as really interested and engaged. Give the impression to the room that you want to speak and to be heard. Speaking up works because the anxiety only gets worse if you sit there in total silence waiting to be called upon. Don't wait for them to call you -speak out.

If you take the above advice on board and it does come to your turn to speak, you won't feel the same level of pressure because everyone in the room is already used to your voice and you don't feel the pressure of hearing your voice for the first time in the room.

Everyone is used to you and you are used to speaking to them. Great speakers love an opportunity to talk and present. Believe it or not but you can train yourself to be like that and it starts by pretending to yourself that you really want that opportunity to be in the lime light. Be hungry for it.

Instead of holding back and resisting the opportunity to speak in public, you chase after it! You might think:

"fine but how can I try this out before my next meeting?"

The best way I know of is to join a Toastmaster group in your area (google it) and get started there right away.

If there is no toastmaster group locally find a public meeting or volunteer for something like a research group where you all discuss a topic together.


Source White Market

Beat Eczema with These Home Remedies


Home remedies are treatment options that you can easily perform at home.  Often times, home remedies double as all-natural remedies.  Although results are not guaranteed, many eczema patients have used these popular remedies to seek relief from the constant outbreak of itchy, irritated skin.  If you are interested in seeking the same relief, please continue reading on for a list of well-known and successful ways to treat your eczema from home.

Home Remedy #1 – Keep the Body Moisturized

Keeping the body moisturized is a home remedy for eczema that can be broken down to mini-remedies.  When the body and skin is well moisturized, dry skin is a thing of the past.  This can reduce the need to itch and regular eczema flare-ups.  How can you keep your body well moisturized?

Drink plenty of water.  You should start by drinking the daily recommended dose of water.  Overtime, work to slowly increase your water intake.  You should notice an improvement in your skin, as well as overall improvement in health and wellbeing when doing so.

Take short baths and showers in lukewarm water.  Water is a double edge sword.  It can help to keep the body well-moisturized, but too much water can lead to dry skin.  To prevent it, immediately use lotions or creams to lock in the moisture of a bath or shower.  You can continue to apply lotions and creams throughout the day.

Home Remedy #2 – Oatmeal Paste

Oatmeal is said to have a calming effect on the skin.  Regular oatmeal baths can provide the skin with moisture and itch relief.  Also, oatmeal pastes can be mixed and applied directly to an eczema flare-up patch.  You may notice instant relief from the constant need to itch, pain, and discomfort.  Mix small amounts of water and oatmeal flakes together until a paste-like substances forms.

Home Remedy #3 – Wet Wraps

Wet wrap therapy is another successful home remedy for eczema.  Many sufferers use this home treatment option immediately following a bath or shower and at night.  After bathing or showering, moisturize the body as normal.  Then, take bandages and soak them in mild warm water.  Apply and wrap them around the impacted area, such as your elbows or knees.

These are just a few of the many, natural ways that you can treat eczema at home.  Since different treatment methods work differently for certain individuals, you may need to try a number of home and all-natural remedies, before you find eczema relief.  Luckily, you have many choices.

For More Information Click Here

Source White Market

Care For Your Eczema Better With These Skin Care Tips


Many Eczema sufferers are unaware that sometimes good skin care regimes are all that stands between endless suffering and an improved quality of life. The simplest of changes and techniques can make all the difference, so I have put together a few tips to hopefully help you out.

Fix Your Diet-
There's a whole lot more to skincare than just fancy creams and lotions. Real skin care starts on the inside-if you give your body the tools it needs to fix the Eczema damaged skin, you will have a definite advantage. Continuing to eat the wrong foods while trying to clear up your Eczema is like trying to run your car without gasoline! It just can't get going! Scientists have found that foods with high acidity are linked to increased Eczema symptoms. For some reason high acid content makes the skin more prone to irritation, which of course brings on the Eczema. You can avoid this by obviously steering clear of acidy foods, which is easier than it sounds. A dietician should be able to steer you the right way though. Fear not though, there is a much simpler way to improve this too-kelp supplements. Kelp is very high in alkali, which will neutralize the acid it finds in your system, so you may find relief there.

Moisturize Regularly-
You need to get into a habit of moisturizing your skin at least twice a day, preferably after taking a bath or shower. This is great for your skin because the more moisture there is inside it, the suppler it will be, and obviously soft supple skin is far less likely to crack and itch than dry flaky skin. The reason you need to apply the moisturizer after bathing or showering is because this will help lock in the moisture from the bath. You should pat yourself almost dry with a very soft towel, and then apply the moisturizer to damp skin. It's a little harder to rub in, but it's worth it in the long run!

Protect Yourself-
Be aware of all the things than can trigger your Eczema, and do your best to avoid them. As a general rule, avoid wearing any kind of perfume or scent, as well as all scented soaps or toiletries. You will also probably find a little relief if you can get rid of all the perfumed detergents in your home. If you can wash your clothing in unscented natural detergents you will probably find that your clothing is suddenly not so itchy!

As I've tried to illustrate here, you don't have to go to huge lengths to get some control in the battle against your eczema. In most cases all you need is common sense and some consistency. I hope these tips bring you some relief, but remember to be consistent!

More Information To Eczema Treatment Click Here

Source White Market

Eat Chocolate for a Higher IQ

There is very good news for people who love chocolate: this delicious dessert does more than lighten up your day. The so much loved chocolate is well known for its positive effects upon the human brain, thus now you have twice more reasons to eat as much chocolate as your heart (and brain) desires!

Chocolate contains a large amount of antioxidants, which make your brain function better. Also, in addition to boosting your intellectual capacity, antioxidants also help your body remain young and fresh for a larger period of time: thus double effect – youth for your mind and body.

In addition to that, chocolate is a source of caffeine, thus maintain your brain in a state of alertness for a longer period. Thus you will be able to stay focused for a more time, fact which will allow you to learn more things in a shorter period of time. Also, you will be able to solve problems which at a first view may seem difficult much faster than if you tried to solve them before eating a piece of chocolate.

Chocolate is called the ingredient which brings happiness because it increases the serotonin form your body. Thus, you will forget about your problems and worries or at least will see them in a more positive way. It is no wonder that after eating a piece of chocolate life seems simpler and much more fun.

If you choose to eat dark chocolate, the benefits your brain will have are even greater, as dark chocolate is a valuable source of fibers. Fibers, as you probably know are essential in having a good and healthy cardiovascular system. If the cardiovascular system works properly, then the brain will also work well.

So, a healthy brain, which functions properly, may start with a piece of chocolate. Also, an increased IQ and improved intellectual capacity can begin with the same piece of chocolate. This means that if you have until now avoided this delicious ingredient or you have taken it out because you are on a diet, you should put it back on your list of favorite foods, as its benefits are far more important than the few extra calories it brings.


Source White Market

Five Things that Need Careful Planning in Mafia Wars

Warcraft Mafia Wars is one of those games that requires very careful planning and a keen eye for detail if you're serious about landing the highest level rewards and truly performing well against fellow players. However, for a game that seems so relatively simple to get into, the game holds a tremendous amount of depth, which can make that planning relatively hard. So, here are five things you should keep in mind as you get started:

Your Family Size

If you're serious about winning, build your family size up as quickly as possible. This means from level 1 you should be out there recruiting heavily. If you wait until you're Level 100, you'll spend countless extra hours trying to make things work without actually having a gameplan. Use Facebook, contact your friends, use your blog. Whatever tools are at your disposal should be used carefully to build that family size up.

Your Godfather Points

You need Godfather points, but you should be careful about how you get them. Some people willingly spend cash or give away their personal data to get them and there's no reason. Rather, you can spend just a few minutes each day filling out your lottery numbers, and using fake information for offers and get all the Godfather points you need.

Completing Jobs

Complete your jobs as quickly as you can and with the most possible rewards. The key here though is to remember that you need to scale up your jobs as you level and to do a diverse range of them to get all the possible rewards so that later on, you will have all the jobs available to you.

Buying Properties

Buy properties, starting with the easiest to attain. You'll find that as the properties break down, you need to spend money to keep them up, so don't waste any time buying properties that are not going to give a solid return on their investment.

Fighting Your Enemies

Fighting your fellow players in Mafia Wars is more or less pointless and wastes your resources. Rather, you should focus on building your levels, getting more points and recruiting new family members. If you do that with the time you have each day, you'll be much more successful in the long run.

If you follow the details outlined above, you'll do much better in Mafia Wars than you ever thought possible. It's a simple matter of being careful with the time you have to spend and analyzing how you invest everything carefully.


Source White Market

Foods Which Can Limit the Occurrence of Angular Cheilitis

People suffering from Angular Cheilitis know that this is one of the most troubling and annoying skin condition one can experience. It prevents you from eating, drinking and speaking normally. Many people even refuse to go out of the house when suffering from this condition, thus becoming isolated from the rest of the world. This is why it is better to prevent it then having to treat it. If you have had it long time ago and are afraid that will come back, if you have it and want to treat it faster or if you do not want to have this terrible experience ever, you should start by eating the foods listed below. They will provide your body with all the vitamins and nutrients necessary to effectively fight this disease and prevent it from appearing ever again.

Most of the times, Angular Cheilitis appears as a result of a weak immune system. Thus, you will need to have a balanced diet, filled with fruits and vegetables that will supply you with all the things you need to remain healthy and have a strong immune system. The first thing that you will need to have in your body to fight Angular Cheilitis is iron. The main sources of iron are green vegetables (broccoli) and leafy veggies, liver and lean meat. Include these ingredients in your diet and your immune system will be ready to face aggressions from the external environment as well as from inside the body. If you already have the condition you may need to take supplements in order to cover the iron deficiency, as iron is quire hardly absorbed by the body.

Another substance you will need in order to keep Angular Cheilitis away is vitamin B2 or riboflavin, which can be found in dairy products, leafy vegetables, all types of meat, as well as cereals. Vitamin B3 (niacin) is also great for a healthy immune systems. It can be synthetized from lean meats, rice, bean, avocados, fish, eggs and liver. Brown rice, cauliflower, avocado, cabbage, yeast, fish, chicken and beef are great sources of pyridoxine (a component of Vitamin B6) which can also influence the way in which your body functions.

A healthy and balanced diet and even some vitamin supplements when the body is weaken by diseases, harsh environmental conditions or quotidian stress can keep Angular Cheilitis away and treat it faster if it has already occurred, thus make sure that you include in your meals all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals your body needs.

For More Information Click Here

Source White Market

Getting Access to Flight Enhancement Products

Getting Access to Flight Enhancement Products – Flight Sim Yoke Flight Simulator GameNothing else can bring your flight experience into a higher level but having access to the right aircraft simulator that would allow you to do whatever you want.

Flight enhancement products such as a flight sim yoke can definitely bring that more realistic approach when it comes to flying aircrafts at your very own premise.

Of course you don't want to settle with a combat aircraft game with using just your keyboard.

It would surely be more exciting to have other enhancements work with the whole gaming system to allow you to maximize that flight experience and bring it to another level, right?

That is why it is necessary for you to invest some time searching for the right hardware that can meet your flight expectations as well as give life to your aircraft game.

Hardware enhancements such as a flight sim yoke allows you to add flavor to your aircraft simulator.

If you are planning to build a more realistic cockpit to get that ultimate experience when it comes to flying, a yoke can be one of the first products that you should add into your system and check out what difference does it make.

It is not that hard to gain access to these hardware flight sim enhancements.

All you have to do is to search online for various brands that you can rely on.

You'll find several brands available online, and you can compare the prices of these yokes as well as its description for further evaluation before purchasing one for your own system.

However, before you get to purchase such hardware products for your aircraft game, you should know if it is compatible for your own gaming system.

Sometimes these enhancements are not meant to fit on just any system so you need to search for one that will, to avoid spending money on something that you cannot make use of.

The good news is, if you have the right flight sim software, getting access to products such as a flight sim yoke would not be that much of a problem.

The right flight simulator would allow you to add realistic controls to your system which includes, rudder pedals, yokes, switches and other accessories available for you to enjoy as well as test your skills.

It is not that hard to bring our flight experience into a more realistic level as other would think.

All you need is the right guidance on what to look for and to know what exactly would be compatible to your system, time-saving and is worth the money that you will be spending.

With enough understanding of what your options are, you will surely find an aircraft game that would suit you best and satisfy you with a more realistic approach in flying at your very own home.

Download Your Copy Now

Source White Market

Healthy Eating On A Budget

Diet Solution ProgramContrary to popular belief, healthy eating does not have to inflict damage to your wallet.   In challenging economic times, many people tend to go for the "cheapest" food options and sometimes these options are far from healthy.Just recently my husband and I put ourselves on a serious "budget" and of course this meant a "food budget" as well.

Below are the simple steps we took to continue to live our healthy lifestyle while saving a few dollars in the process.

1.    We drastically cut out eating out.  It's shocking to discover how much you are really spending by buying a quick pizza and ordering quick take out every once in a while.  What we often don't realize is that every once in a while is much more often than we think.   We are now cooking at home a lot more and discovering quick, easy and delicious recipes that cost very little when made at home.  Now we are no chefs by any means but it's amazing what you can put together in 20 minutes or less by just getting a bit creative and seeking out new recipes.

2.    My husband is now packing his lunch.  Truth be told, I pack it for him.  I often take leftovers from the night before and put them together in a salad or a sandwich.  He was spending an average of $7-$10 each day on lunch and taking his lunch instead will save us over $280 a month.

3.    Bargain shop.  I have become a master of seeking out the sale.  I know which grocery stores will put their fruits and vegetables on sale and where I can get the best bargains.  If the weather permits, I always go to the local farmers markets to get fresh fruit and veggies.  Not only will you save a ton of money at a farmers market, the produce is fresh and delicious.

4.    We have learned to love and embrace leftovers.  It is amazing what you can do with leftovers once you get a bit creative.  Don't let food go to waste.  Use leftovers from the night before for lunch or re-heat for dinner.

5.    Cut out the expensive junk food.  It's shocking how expensive cereal, crackers and packaged snacks are.  You can get 10x's more for your money and value by buying plain oatmeal, making your own bread, and snacking on fresh fruit.

Healthy eating does not have to break the bank.  Find good deals, learn to embrace cooking and discover the power of the leftover and you will be well on your way to a healthy, cost effective eating plan.

Get started on your own Fat Loss and Healthy eating plan right away with these Simple and Healthy Meal Plans.

Source White Market

Hey has anyone else found a good evony guide?

I couldn't stand wasting all my time building my cities. It takes so long. It took me forever to figure out all of the small things of how to build and what to research to help me grow quickly. I searched all of the forums and found that even though there is a lot of information in there, it seems to be all over the place. I really needed something that was not only designed to help get me off to a good quick start, I needed an evony guide that would teach me all of the secrets to attacking and defending well. I looked all over and found a great evony guide that holds a ton of secrets for building, attacking, defending, and so much more. The evony guide I found has over 90 pages. Someone had sent me another guide but it really has nothing like this one. I found that this evony guide was made by a guy named James Ruben, and I even found what server he was on and have spoken to him. Maybe I should say thanked him for all his work in creating this evony guide. Thanks to James and his evony guide, I have 8 huge cities and a great big army that I plunder people with. Here is just a small sample of the information in the guide. I'm really not supposed to give out information without his approval so I'll have to just give you little samples.

Here are just a few of the topics in his Advanced Strategies section:
-Quick City Growth Guide (perfect for new server)
- Well Built City vs. Poorly Built City
-Advanced Farming Guide
-Medal Farming

A few samples of the section on Battle strategies:
-Layered Armies
-Raiding Cities
-Advanced Take Downs
-Defensive Strategies

Before James goes into more detail, he gives over 75 great quick to learn tips. Here are 3 actual tips from his evony guide.

The Academy is very important. Your academy research can speed the production time of buildings, troops, or the gathering of resources. In the later stages your academy can provide bonuses to your troops in battle or longer range for your archers.

Archers are the best troop type in the game. Make lots and lots of them.

Mayors with high Politics (POL) affect the building times of structures, the collecting of resources, and the building times of defences on your walls.

Not to mention that his evony guide has a very quick 100 step guide to building a new city from scratch. The 100 step guide is intended for a new server so some of the valley building can change to focus on certain resources as a second or third city.

I was so excited to have found the evony guide and just wanted to pass it on to anyone that is interested in playing and growing faster with such a great evony guide.


Source White Market

How Can an Asthma Diary Help You Treat Your Condition?

Asthma sufferers know best that living with this condition is quite hard, as it prevents you from doing normal activities, like walking in the park when all the flowers are blooming, running, playing and even get proper rest. This is why it is highly important to monitor this ailment and see the way in which it evolves.

This monitoring is best to be done daily. Many asthma sufferers have made a habit out of keeping a diary of their condition. Not only is that helping them keeping track of the number of attacks they have had in a certain period, but this type of recording is also highly useful for their doctors, which are able to evaluate the way in which their patients' condition is evolving. Also, on the basis of the accurate description provided by the patient, the doctor is capable of better observing the way in which the medicine are affecting the individual and whether they are efficient in treating the asthma or they are only worsening the condition.

Thus, asthma diaries can prove to be very effective in finding a personalized cure, which will treat the patient or at least make their life better. For this reason, it is advisable that each and every asthmatic should keep a diary where to record all the information they think is necessary about their daily condition and the symptoms they are experiencing during a normal day. Things like the symptoms preceding an attack, the feelings one feels when an asthma attack strikes, the things which may trigger the attacks and the way in which the current actions and the environment affect the individual is information that should be written in the diary. The more accurate is the information noted down in the diary, the more effective the treatment based on those notes will be.

The asthma diaries are helpful tools in treating this condition properly. By knowing exactly what symptoms you experience before having an attack, you can prevent it from happening. Also, by noting down all the symptoms and feelings one experiences, the doctor will receive a more accurate description of the way in which the condition is manifested and will be able to prescribe the best medication available. So, if you want to treat your asthma, make sure that you always keep track of your daily symptoms and evolution.

More Information About Asthma Cure Click Here

Source White Market

How To Get Your Site Top In Google In 7 Days Or Less

If you want to know how to get your website ranking to the top spots on Google (where the cool guys hang) then you're going to love this review.

One day I was surfing the WSO section of WarriorForum, those of you who know me knows that I'm a big all-time fan of the WSO section, suddenly one of those push button systems was crossing my eye.

It was a wild offer promising me a push button software that would deliver unlimited fresh EDU & Dofollow backlinks that was guaranteed to leave my website rankings to the tops in days for long-tail keywords, and weeks for even completive keywords.

Cool! I had to get my hands on this.

You might have heard about it because it's one of the hottest backlink products on the web right now, it's called Instant Backlink Magic by Mike Tyler, and it's freaking amazing!

Instant Backlink Magic is Mike's latest developed IM software which will make squeeze the website rankings to the top of every serious Internet Marketer.

Suffice it to say, Mike's the real deal – he got dozens of clients paying him well over $149/p month for backlinks that takes 2 minutes to find by his software and by following his guide, 7 Days To Backlink Domination, you can get whichever website ranking in less than 7 days, even for completive keywords.

Why I Recommend Instant Backlink Magic

Most attempts at launching a successfully cash-generating websites fail because people get discouraged. They don't know how to get results, and fail in the rabbit hole of buying packages of spammy backlinks and around. They do this, largely, because they aren't sure their efforts will ever be rewarded.

That's why Instant Backlink Magic is so incredibly valuable. It doesn't just tell you exactly what you should don on a weekly basis to get any website ranking, but it also is an push button software that will find unlimited fresh, high quality and no commented backlinks ready to rank your website to tops in days and pass massive link juice. This, and regularly using the software, is what's going to help people to succeed.

The crazy thing about this whole thing is how short amount of time and effort it takes to see increase in rankings and traffic.

Now, obviously, you can set up as many websites as you want, rank them with Instant Backlink Magic and then after they start making you money you will have multiple streams of income on complete autopilot. Doesn't that sound awesome? I know it does!


Source White Market

How to Quit Smoking & Clean Your Lungs of Toxins


How to quit smoking is one of the biggest questions facing long-term smokers that have realized the damage they are doing to themselves and want to do something about it. However, the bigger question is actually what are you going to do AFTER you quit smoking!
This is because quitting smoking will not save you from all the poisons and tar that have been filling your lungs for so many years. You may think that you breathe out all of the rubbish you inhale, but the truth of the matter is that a substantial amount clings to the inside of your lungs. While the body can get rid of some of this deadly mixture of ash, tar, and toxins, the amount you have smoked is often well beyond the natural healing abilities of the body for what can be many years after you stop smoking.
So what is the answer?
You must conquer the mental barriers that are addicting you to smoking and that inhibit your body's attempts to clean your lungs of toxins!
This is because the addiction to cigarettes is more than just the physical withdrawals that nicotine causes. It is also a deep and ingrained psychological addiction that has taken root in your mind. Focusing just on the physical symptoms and thinking that is the way to beat cigarettes will not work if you ignore your own mind's powerful influence.
This also applies to cleaning your lungs of toxins that have been trapped in your chest causing infections and disease. With a poor mental state you firstly cannot stop the smoking that is causing them damage, but you also lower your body's defenses against these poisons that can lead to many lung diseases; including the dreaded cancer. If you train your brain to be able to cope with what is a considerable change in lifestyle, cleanse your lungs and lower the stress levels that inhibit natural healing, you will find this a powerful way to get better lung health and quit smoking.
So do not just look at the physical when dealing with your health, make good use of the power of your mind and its influences on the physical body. For more information on how to achieve this to quit smoking and gain clean lungs, click below to super charge your lung health!

For More Information Click Here

Source White Market

Why Is an Aquaponic System Better than a Hydroponic One

Hydroponic gardens are already highly popular among people of all ages. They require little space, are easy to take care of and give satisfactory results. However, because you will need to supply the water with necessary nutrients, which are most of the times chemical, the taste of the crops is not quite the ones people expect. Also, people trying to switch to organic products have a hard time in coping with the chemical additions from the hydroponically-grown vegetables. Fortunately, a new type of gardening is available. It is called the aquaponic system and can help you grow organic food in your home.

The aquaponic system is a mixture between the aquaculture, as it requires growing fish in a special fish tank and hydroponics, as it involves growing plants with water and nutrients. You will probably wonder what role the fish play in all this business. Well, things are quite easy: the fish excrements contain ammonia which is later decomposed in nitrites and nitrates. The latter substance is benefic for the plants, offering them enough nutrients to grow and develop normally. Thus, there will be no need to supply your plants with chemical substances as they will already have all the food they need.

This leads to the several advantages that the aquaponic system has over the hydroponic one. First, the vegetables will have a better taste as they will grow only with natural food and at their own peace. This will give them that delicious taste you love so much in veggies. Then, the system is simpler, as you will no longer need to feed your plants each and every day. Just make sure that your fish are in good shape and then let nature take its course.

Last, but not least, with the aquaponic system you do not only grow vegetables, but you also have fish which you can use for decorative purposes or you can very well cook delicious meals for you and your family.

Aquaponics is an improved version of the hydroponic system. The crops are better and the process is easier. In addition to that you get to eat organic food! What more can you wish for?

More Information About Aquaponics System Click Here

Source White Market

What is alpha hydroxyl acid and How Can They Treat Brown Spots

Brown spots, even though they produce no pain or discomfort, are very anesthetic and most often are a burden for people who have to deal with them. They influence one's appearance and may even shake well one's confidence in themselves. This is why, those having to cope such skin imperfections want to get rid of them as soon as possible, yet without experiencing any further damage of the skin.

One of the most employed method through which the brown spots are removed is by exfoliation of the upper layers of skin. This presupposes the application of a special cream which help the darker layers of skin be removed without affecting the healthy cells. In most cases the creams used contain AHA or alpha hydroxyl acid.

AHA is basically a group of more acids used for treating several skin conditions such as acne, brown spots, scars, fine lines and wrinkles. In this group of AHA we can individuate the glycolic acid – a substance extracted from sugar cane, the lactic acid which is made up from milk, the citric acid – ingredient extracted from citric fruits, tartaric acid which is extracted from grapes, from apples it is extracted the malic acid, while the mandelic acid is extracted from almonds. It addition to treating different skin conditions, these acids are also very effective in moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

From all these acids, by far the most used substance in treating sun spots is the glycolic acid. Yet, the lactic and the citric acid are also used extensively when it comes to removing brown spots. These substances are mainly used in dermatological offices. There, under medical supervision, creams containing higher or lower concentrations of substance (depending on the severity of the issue) are applied on the skin, thus removing the upper layer of skin and leaving the healthy ones to the surface.

There are also home-based bleaching creams which contain AHA, but the concentrations of the active substances are lower, as they are not done under medical supervision, thus the risk of side effects increases significantly. In fact, it is recommended that if you want to exfoliate your skin using one of these products, to choose the one which has a lower quantity of active substance at the beginning, and only if that cream is not successful to try a more concentrate product.

For More Information Click Here

Source White Market

Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Macros in WoW

Nearly everyone is familiar with the simplest kinds of macros to be found in the World of Warcraft game – if only by observing people who are using these macros. The easiest macro to make is one which has your character say something or carry out an emote while casting a spell or using an ability. For example, a paladin might make use of a macro like this for casting the Consecration spell:
/cast Consecration
/yell Burn in righteous fire!
Whenever you click the macro button or trigger it with your keyboard, your paladin will cast Consecration, and simultaneously shout "Burn in righteous fire!" (a quote from Arcanist Doan in Scarlet Monastery which seem appropriate for the more militant type of paladins).
Macros are useful for much more than a fun gimmick like shouting a battlecry or making a comment when your character casts a spell, however. Macros are short scripts – effectively, small in game programs – which let your character carry out a brief sequence of actions automatically once you have activated the macro button. Quite a bit of sophistication is possible with macros – for example, you can make a macro which will cast a spell on the first living enemy you mouse over, or even more conditional situations.
Writing a good macro is a blend of art and science, since macros need to be kept brief (the limit to their length is 255 characters), and must make "sense" to the computer program; that is, they must be written with the properly formatted commands that will cause your character to do what you want them to, within the limits of the game and their class and spec powers.
Macros are an immensely powerful, useful tool for all situations in World of Warcraft, letting you maximize your character's potential and provide split second reactions in the fast paced, lethal circumstances of PvP, arenas, or boss fights in endgame raids. They are also useful to your character throughout their career, increasing damage, healing, and effectiveness by ensuring that short but crucial series of actions are carried out in the proper sequence and as quickly as cooldowns will allow.
If you are ever wondering how an enemy character in a battleground unleashes a rapid-fire sequence of perfectly timed abilities that blast your character to the graveyard, or how top tanks and healers extract their groups from seemingly impossible situations, the answer is that they are almost certainly using macros. You can get a head start on finding, writing, and using high quality macros today by making use of the unique IWinButtons guide, a guide to macros and keybindings that contains everything you need to know about these game-boosting tools.


Source White Market

Time-Under-Tension for Fast Muscle Gain


One of the supposed rules of fast muscle gain is that in order for a muscle to grow it has to be exposed to a certain load (e.g. under tension) for 40–70 seconds at a given time. This simply means that every set you do should last somewhere between 40 and 70 seconds. If you have never heard this nonsense before, I will give you a second to pick yourself up off the floor and stop laughing. To disprove this theory, I will point to the immeasurable number of lifters who have grown to enormous proportions without ever adhering to this rule. Taking 40–70 seconds to do a set of 6–8 reps is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of. Lifting at this slow speed severely limits the amount of weight you can use and thus decreases the effectiveness of the set. The only thing that long time-under-tension sets do is increase lactic acid production. This results in the burn feeling and may be what people are confusing with effective training. You can get a great burn by going for a swim or a long bike ride or by doing 1,000 crunches, but everyone knows this isn't going to do a single thing to help you build muscle.
MGS Banner
Fast twitch muscle fibers are the ones that have the greatest potential for growth and are only stimulated when the load is heavy, the reps are fairly low and the set lasts about twenty seconds or so. So sets of five or six reps with 80% or more of your one rep max (1RM) are far more productive at eliciting fast muscle gain than sets of 10-20 reps with 50-60% of your 1RM done at slower speeds. That's not to say that you should never do slightly higher reps or use less than 80% of your 1RM but that that type of training should never be the main focus of your program.

I hate to admit this, but back when time under tension was first discussed and brought to popularity, I did extensive experiments with this concept in my own private training center. Yes, I got suckered. After reading everything I could about time under tension, I immediately modified every one of my clients' training programs. We experimented with longer time under tension sets of 40-70 seconds for over a year.

The results? Nearly every single client, to a man, got smaller and weaker. Those that didn't remained the same size and strength or made marginal gains, at best, that were far inferior to anything we had previously done. I admit it was a huge mistake, but trying things, making mistakes and adapting is the best way to learn.

The good news is that I have already done the experiments and made the mistakes for you. Learn from my misfortunes, avoid these deadly mistakes and you will be on the road to fast muscle gain in no time.

More Information About Muscle Building Click Here

Source White Market

Starting Your Own Aquaponic Business or Hobby

Starting your own business may be a daunting task as most of the activities require special skills and tones of money to invest. While one may acquire the necessary skills, the money is not an easy to solve issue. However, there is one business which requires minimum investment and which pays off in less than a year. It is called aquaponics or aquaponic farming and can change your life for good.

Aquaponics involves growing vegetables using the water from your fish tank. You just have to place the fishes in a tank, wait for about a month until the water has enough bio-nutrients to feed the plants, then you can propagate the seeds. The plants will feed on the nutrients released by the fish in the water, thus cleaning and refreshing it, while the fish will enjoy a clean and safe environment where they can live properly.

There are multiple advantages of starting such a business. First, as mentioned previously there are very few costs associated with it, so even if you have a tight budget for starting a business you will still manage to purchase all the things you need.  Also, the maintaining costs are very low, so that you will produce organic food with little investment which will enable you to sell your products cheaper than they can be found nowadays on the market. This will bring you more clients and thus more profit.

Unlike other businesses, where you need to rent an office or an industrial place where you can develop your business, aquaponic farming does not require a large space. Your garage or a room from your house is perfect. Just make sure that you have enough light for the plants to grow normally.

Another great advantage of the aquaponic farming is that you will have, from the start, diversified merchandise. You will not only be able to plant and sell different types of vegetables, but you can also sell fish, which will bring you even more profit. In addition to that, you will have enough veggies and herbs for your consumption, too so there will be no need for you to continue buying them from the market. Thus you will save some extra money which can go on your other needs and pleasures!

More Information About Aquaponics System Click Here

Source White Market

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There is something I want to remind you of. Our best friend, Doug, is probably face down in a ditch right now with a meth head butt f*cking his corpse."

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