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Monday, August 20, 2012

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Watch ParaNorman (2012) >>

Download ParaNorman (2012) >>

Movie Info

The new 3D stop-motion comedy thriller from animation company LAIKA, reteaming the company with Focus Features after the groundbreaking Academy Award-nominated Coraline. ParaNorman is, following Coraline, the company's second stop-motion animated feature to be made in 3D. In ParaNorman, a small town comes under siege by zombies. Who can it call? Only misunderstood local boy Norman (Kodi Smit-McPhee), who is able to speak with the dead. In addition to the zombies, he'll have to take on ghosts, ... More



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Powerblock Dumbbells: The Dumbbells That Grow as You Grow!

Powerblock Dumbbells: The Dumbbells That Grow as You Grow!

Any fitness trainer will tell you that choosing the right dumbbells for home-training is essential for creating a successful and regular workout routine. Many newcomers to the world of strength-training cringe at the thought of having to purchase a wall-sized rack of weights to accompany the changes in their strength abilities over time.

Powerblock dumbbells are one of the most popular, adjustable weight training sets on the market. They are a great product to help you jump-start your own home fitness routine, without having to sacrifice a room of your house. These balanced, adjustable dumbbells provide good stability for strength-straining movements, while taking up very little space in your home. The following article will walk you through some of the finer points of these great, space-saving dumbbells.

Don't let their cage-like square shape fool you. The square shape actually weighs more than traditional round or hexagonal weights. These weights are impeccably composed of rectangular steel plates, side-rods and stacked vertical square plates, taking up about the same space as two of your average large dumbbells. In the realm of quick change dumbbells, Powerblocks are also extremely compact, allowing you to seamlessly integrate them into your space, without the bulkiness of a more traditional weight-lifting set. Powerblocks are adjustable dumbbells that can provide the entire weight-choice spectrum of a more traditional set of dumbbells. A small set can fit into an 18 X 22 inch space, and can replace a whopping 37 pairs of traditional dumbbells. This means that you can store your entire free-weight workout facility in the space the size of a shoe box, instead of needing a massive wall or floor mount for your rack of weights.

This ingenious "all-in-one" setup is achieved through a pin mechanism that allows you to select the desired weight you want to lift. The pins mark off the needed weight to be lifted, and store the rest of the weight in the waist-high stand. Another great advantage to using this type of dumbbell is that they not only are they the heaviest of the non-traditional set-ups, but they are also super-versatile, in that they allow you to start with a 50-pound set, and expand upward in increments of 3 pounds towards a maximum of 130 pounds per dummbell. This means that you can easily shift weight from as little as 5 lbs. to 50 lbs. in around 5-10 seconds.

Powerblock Dumbbells: The Dumbbells That Grow as You Grow!

Powerblocks also provide the ideal setup for micro-loading, as the Powerblock set allows for small increases on the weight increments. To do this, you simply select your desired weight, and then easily add on the 2 pound micro-weights, which slip seamlessly into the hand-weight itself. In this way, the dumbbells are equally suited for all you beginner lifters, as well as the more seasoned lifting pro. Another advantage is that you can work slowly to move toward your desired strength goals, instead of having to jump from one weight to the next, as with other types of home-gym equipment.

Fitness wise, this is intelligent design. Powerblocks allow you to slowly and safely increase your strength and endurance without the risk of injury that comes from jumping and struggling with a heavier 5 pound increase. Safety and reduction of risk are of extreme importance, especially when working from a home-based gym without the supervision of a coach or trainer. The structural design of each Powerblock handle creates a very comfortable lifting experience for both the novice and advanced lifters. More importantly, for a beginner weight-trainer who may have weak wrists, the Powerblock has a wrist-protector handle padding to ensure wrist support, reducing the chance of injury.

Cost-wise, the average dumbbell will run you anywhere from 80-99 cents per pound and up. The average cost of Powerblocks run around 11 cents per pound, making them one of the most affordable products on the market. The set-up also comes with an easy-to-move workbench and a triceps bar that attaches to the the back of the workbench. Powerblocks offer a several versions of their selectorized dumbbell sets. The first is the Elite Personal Set, which equals 500 pounds of free-weights, or 10 pairs of dumbbells. This set allows you to train within a range of 5-50 pounds per dumbbell. The second version of this product is the Elite Powerblock, which equals 28 pairs of dumbbells, or a whopping 2,570 pounds of free weights. This allows you to work anywhere from 5 to 130 pounds per dumbbell.

All in all, with a good weight bench and a set of these dumbbells, anyone can have a quality weight-training set-up in a small space in their home. Powerblocks are the best bet for an efficient, safe workout, for both beginner and advanced lifters alike.

More Information About Muscle Building Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Lose Weight Fast By Grazing

The world of weight loss seems to be full of confusion. The basic concept we are taught about dieting is that a low calorie diet is the key to losing weight. This notion is being challenged more and more these days.

Most people think that simply limiting the amount of food they eat will make them lose weight fast. For many people however, this does not work.

The vital piece of the puzzle that most people are missing is that how they eat is just as important as what they eat. Common eating patterns for the majority of people include eating three large meals every day until they are full. This method of eating can be detrimental to weight loss.

What is Grazing?
Grazing is a way of eating that spreads outr your food intake into smaller chunks. So, rather than just eating 3 large meals each day, you have a smaller breakfast, lunch and dinner and then eat small snacks in between. Some people already graze without knowing it, but do it in a very unhealthy way. This means that in between meals they snack on things like chocolate bars and packets of crisps. When grazing is done right and you snack on healthy foods rather than crisps and chocolate, it can be very effectively for helping you to lose weight fast.

Benefits of Grazing
There are several health benefits that you gain from grazing healthily:

How Grazing Makes You Lose Weight

Grazing has a completely different effect on your body than if you were to eat large meals. Usually when people eat large meals, they eat until they are full and can't eat any more.

Doing this is almost like expanding your stomach. At every meal time, you need larger amount of  food to compensate for what you haven't eaten since your last meal.  Being as your stomach expects lots of food every time you eat, it needs more room to store it all. Thus, you put on weight.

Grazing has a different effect. Eating smaller amounts of foods more frequently makes it easier for your body to digest and it puts your metabolism into constant action. This is necessary if you want to lose weight.

Every time you eat a meal, it is important not to eat so much food that you feel full. If you eat until you are full it is like putting a speed bump in front of your metabolism. To keep your metabolism moving fast, you need to keep your meals small.

What to Eat

Your between-meal snacks should contain as many natural foods as possible.When food is eaten it gets converted into glucose (blood sugar) so the body can use it as energy. Natural unprocessed foods release energy slowly, while unhealthy foods like crisps and chips release energy quickly.

When foods get converted into glucose quickly, the body reacts and releases a lot of insulin. Insulin converts sugars into fat and thus prevents the body from burning it.

Eating natural foods helps to maintain your blood sugar levels and gives you stable insulin levels. This means your body won't burn fat so quickly and you will be able to lose weight fast.

Grazing Tips

Ideally, your between-meal snacks will contain lots of vegetables. Vegetables contain an abundance of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy. If you have the chance, you can prepare various salads to snack on throughout the day.

You could prepare a different fresh salad each day and carry it in a lunch box when you go to work. You can make things fun and create a new original salad every day.

If you are really not used to eating vegetables you should try to bring them into your diet gradually. For instance, start by eating just two or three new salads a week, and then start eating more. Chances are you will gradually begin to enjoy various kinds of vegetables.

You could also carry a snack pack with you to work including quick and easy healthy snacks to eat if you don't much time at hand.

If you really don't want to eat veggies all day then stick to natural healthy alternatives. Always choose healthy pieces of fruit, cereal bars, dried fruit or nuts over things like chocolate bars and crisps.

A Balanced Diet

While you will receive an abundance of goodness from vegetables, your diet also needs other good food sources to provide a healthy balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Include things like salmon, chicken breast, lean pork, tofu and boiled eggs in your diet for a good source of protein.

Complex carbohydrates are contained in foods like brown pasta, brown rice, rice crackers and wholemeal bread. Carbs can help supply your body with sustained energy.

Allow yourself to have your favourite treats every now and then. Treats shouldn't be eliminated from you diet all together because you may lose the will power to stick to your eating plan. Consider treats as a reward for the times when you have stuck to your diet well.

Also, be sure to drink lots of water and exercise regularly. Water flushes toxins out of the body and keeps energy levels high, while exercise can provide that extra boost you need to lose weight faster.

Grazing is being recognised more and more these days as a vital component to successful weight loss. For many people, learning the proper way to eat throughout a day is the missing piece of the puzzle they were looking for.  Whilst eating healthy meals is obviously very important for losing weight, the frequency and size of your meals is just as vital. One of clear winners when it comes to grazing diets is the Lunch Box Diet which has been called 'the best diet ever' 5/5 by Elle Magazine. Even Cameron Diaz is said to be a fan of this healthy plan that becomes a 'way of life'. Click here to find out more.

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

How to budget for energy costs

In order to effectively set up a budget in these bad economic times, it is more important than ever to develop and maintain a budget that works for you. Chances are, you already do this. You know how much your credit cards and other bills run you – they are normally fixed amounts (or minimum payments). So you can devise a budget based on those numbers.

But unfortunately, a lot of budgets don't take energy costs into account. The biggest reason for this most homeowners give is because of the price fluctuation. They can estimate and try to make sure enough money is left over in the budget for energy, but because they don't know how much energy will cost them month to month, it is all but impossible to figure out and budget effectively.

Ironically this is one of the reasons why many utility companies offer budget payment options. A budget payment option averages energy usage for the previous months, and takes into account last season's usage as a barometer for this year's usage. A number is then calculated, and this is your budget payment. If you start using much more than they predicted, the cost goes up.

There is a problem with these budget payments – they tend to go up much more than they go down. The reason is the utility company's budget calculator is flawed because it doesn't take environment nor predicted climate into account very well. For example, a poorly insulated house will use over 25% more energy than last year if the temperature is a few degrees lower on average. Thus budget payments will increase.

The other flaw is most utility companies simply will not let you go on budget payments unless you are "current" with your account. This is a problem because many people want to go on budget payments when their bills are too high, can can't pay them all at once. There's no point in going on budget payments if the energy company makes you pay your high bill before they give you assistance.

So, to budget for energy, you either have to be on a fixed price energy payment OR be able to predict your energy usage per month.

The second option is completely possible…if you know how energy is being spent in your home…and how much energy is being used!

Ordinarily, this is a rather difficult process that involves quite a bit of math. Luckily, now there is an easy way.

You can use the cost workbooks in the DIY Energy Saving Kit to estimate your energy costs in a given month. Or if you choose, you can simply average out the costs per year to get a monthly figure and multiply this number by a factor to estimate your payments, depending on your area.

The first option: Finding your monthly payments

Walk through the house and do a complete energy audit. This is important because it will identify all your energy needs and when done correctly, identifies how energy is used throughout your home. Plus, the numbers you derive from this step will determine your bottom line energy costs! Full instructions on how to do a complete, professional energy audit are included in the DIY Energy Saving Kit.

Next, plug in the usage numbers into the cost workbook. Be sure to separate daily use appliances from occasional or seasonal use appliances!

Now since you're doing the audit during a specific season, say summer, your current estimations will be accurate for the season. So if you say you use your lights 4 hours a day, assume the everyday you use your lights 4 hours. Look at the billing cycle/monthly column. This is your monthly cost per appliance. And if you look at the electricity worksheet, you'll see your cost per billing cycle (or month).

If you repeat the above with the occasional use appliances, then add the two costs together, you'll have an accurate representation of your monthly energy costs.

Here's the cool part. Once you have the data, you can just copy and paste it into multiple workbooks and estimate your costs across all months or seasons! Once you have the data in, save the workbook, then make a copy of it. If you want, make 4 copies total (one for each season). Name them something like "spring – energy cost workbook" or something like that, replacing "spring" with the season you estimate.

Open each one, and change the usage numbers according to usage by season. The monthly costs you come up with represent the monthly payments you can expect based on the appliances you have in your house and how you use them. (Ignore yearly costs, as they don't apply.)

You'll also find more detailed instructions on this method, plus screenshots, within the DIY Energy Saving Kit itself.

The other option using the workbook is to use the calculator, as is, and take the calculated monthly cost "fudging" it by a factor depending on usage by season or month.

So, let's say on average your electric payment is $140 per month as determined by the calculator. You know that in winter, your payments are higher than that and in summer, slightly lower (even with a/c). The $140 is your starting point. Simply adjust that figure higher or lower arbitrarily or using math:


We assumed that our electric costs are 20% higher in the winter. If you repeat for the summer and assume that costs are 15% less:


Of course, you can also "fudge" the numbers a bit to give your budget more room and assume larger percentage increases. The key is your starting point, the monthly cost. And you can get this accurately from the DIY Energy Saving Kit


Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

It’s Not About the Body Fat

How they lost 100 lbs or more is a topic that always gets a lot of attention and is very popular in the media. Whenever someone loses a lot of weight, there is always buzz from those who were inspired by hearing about these huge body fat losses and before/after transformations. I was inspired, too. But sometimes I think we focus too much on the almighty scale and body fat percentage and forget about something even more important…

Your Health.

Health is what psychologist Abraham Maslow called a deficiency need, which means that when you've lost it, getting it back is the only thing in the world that matters.

Unfortunately, two corollaries to this theory of human motivation are:

1. Most people won't lift a finger to improve their health until something bad happens (they have to hit "rock bottom" to change), and

2. When you've got your health, you tend to take it for granted.

That's why we need constant reminders to keep our focus on health and keep health right on top of our list of life values.

As you remind yourself of the importance of your health every day, it also pays to consider how you define it.

Fitness and transformation icon Shawn Phillips, author of Strength for Life, says that if your definition of health is merely the absence of disease, then subconsciously, the mere absence of disease means you've achieved your "goal."

Therefore, you feel no motivation and no need to move above and beyond that and strive towards…

"A life of ABUNDANT energy, vitality and strength."

We NEED these reminders.

That's why I get such a thrill when people send me success stories that are not just about the scale and body fat percentage, but ALSO about health and what that new-found health has done for a person's life.

A Before and After Success Story You Don't See Every Day (But Should)

For example, this success story comes from Burn the Fat reader Craig B:

"Tom, I visited my Dr. today and he was stunned at the change in my blood results. Check out this before and after:Cholesterol/Total
232 before
121 after

185 before
87 after

HDL (good cholesterol)
32 before
41 after

VLDL (bad cholesterol)
40 before
17 after

Total cholesterol/HDL ratio
5.63 before
3.0 after
(I dropped from 2X average risk to less than HALF average risk!)

4.8 before
2.1 after

3.90 before
1.02 after
(I moved from High risk to Low risk.)

I have burned 34lbs of fat and put on 7lbs of lean muscle.

I have moved from 40% body fat to 32.9% (My scale may be off, but I am hoping to verify those body fat % measurements with a dunk test during my next visit to S.F. or Portland.)

The doctor, in short, was blown away with the results.

I have tried Atkins, Protein Power, Lindora (medical weight control), each of these over the years and probably too many others to mention. Never have I felt this empowered and well armed with information and insight.

When I was not getting the results the math would have me believe, I had the tools and community support to explain what Beta Blockers do to cardio and metabolism then took that insight to my doctor and he has reduced and changed those meds.

I am now off statins all together as of today!

I have a ways to go to reach my final goal of 10% body fat, but I have the tools and I can accomplish it. I am, as you suggested, putting the date when I achieve it in pencil, but the 10% BF is in ink. I will get there.

It is amazing how empowering feeling good and controlling your blood chemistry through nourishment (both physiological and physical) and being consistent with the hard work in the gym and changing to a new lifestyle.

Thanks Tom – you are helping a lot of people, clearly. I will be telling anyone about the book and the Burn the Fat website that has any questions or looking for answers."

Gaining muscle and losing fat is nice, but what could be better than gaining muscle, losing fat AND feeling your health, energy and vitality skyrocket!

As Craig shows us, tracking your health improvements, not just what you weigh, gives you another source of tremendous motivation and a feeling of empowerment.

You realize that you are in control of your body. You are the maker and master.

One final thought: It's a misconception that the "bodybuilding" lifestyle is in some way not healthy or doesn't dramatically IMPROVE your health

Nothing could be further from the truth, as Craig's results prove. Craig was not just doing aerobics – he was pumping iron and feeding the muscle, not starving himself.

If you do ANY kind of resistance training, you ARE a "body-builder" and a "health-builder."

When you do NATURAL bodybuilding, it's about looking great AND getting healthier. That's how I do it – naturally – and that's how I encourage others to do it in my Burn the Fat programs.

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

How To Build Muscle on a Vegetarian Diet


There are usually four to five reasons why someone would become a vegetarian and they are:

- The negative effect on the environment and the contribution to global warming.
- The contribution to world hunger.
- The cruelty to animals issue.
- The fact that the thought of eating animal carcasses grosses them out.
- Health reasons.

The question that plaques many of us, however is, "how to build muscle on a vegetarian diet?" People often wonder if it can be done but I am here to tell you that it absolutely can.

So, how does being a vegetarian affect your ability to build muscle?

Probably a lot less than you would think or have been led to believe.

First of all, man was probably actually intended to be an herbivore and not a carnivore. Physiologically speaking, man has all the characteristics of an herbivore and none of the characteristics of a carnivore. We have the teeth, jaws, digestive enzymes, stomach acidity, and small intestine length of herbivores. Probably the most disturbing and nauseating of those is the small intestine length. Carnivores have a small intestine that is 3-6 times body length. This is because meat rots very quickly and needs to pass through the body very rapidly. Unfortunately, humans have a small intestine length of 10-11 times body length. What this means is that long after the meat has gone rotten, it's still in your body decaying and contributing to untold number of diseases.

When you add in all the chemicals and other unhealthy substances that our meat contains these days you can see that eating meat might actually not be the best option for those interested in remaining healthy long into the future.

With that out of the way let's get to the question of how to build muscle on a vegetarian diet. As I have mentioned plenty of times in the past, high protein diets are a scam. You don't need all that much protein to build muscle. Although many people thought he was insane, Mike Mentzer first told me that during a phone conversation back in the mid 90's. I asked him his thoughts on protein intake and he screamed at me "That's the biggest scam under the sun! Nobody needs that much protein. Muscles are 70% water. The only reason you read about the benefits of high protein area because that's what everybody sells! It's all a lie, Jason!"

Say what you will about Mike Mentzer, but I think he was ahead of his time on that one and you have to respect his rebelliousness.

In all honesty, being a vegetarian will not affect your strength gains AT ALL. In fact it shouldn't really affect your size gains that much either. As you know, you need a caloric surplus to build muscle. To do this as a vegetarian, you need to focus on good fats like nuts, oils and avocadoes, starchy carbs like oatmeal, sweet potatoes, pasta and brown rice and for protein sources you will be limited to dairy and fish (if you eat those things) or if you are a true vegan- beans, legumes, quinoa, soy, hemp protein, nuts, etc. Even though your protein will be lower than that of most meat eaters you can still build plenty of muscle.

Look at guys in prison. Walk into any state pen and take a look at the weight pit. You will see some of the biggest, most jacked guys you have ever seen. How many grams of high quality ion exchange protein do you think they eat per day? Very, very little, I can assure you that. Someone I know used to be a prison guard and told me of how big and strong the guys were. "How are they getting so big with no protein" I asked (this was back in the days when I was still brainwashed). He told me that he had no idea because all they had to eat was grits, fake potatoes, rice and a small serving or two a day of very low quality meat or a meat substitute. So maybe they were getting 90 grams of protein per day. Yet they were huge.MGS Banner

You simply do not need high protein diets to build muscle.

When it comes to adding muscle while maintaining bodyfat, this is the only place you may have difficulty. Because it will be impossible to get all the calories you need from veggies and fruits you are going to really need to pile down the starchy carbs like rice and bread. If you are lean, this shouldn't be a problem. But since your insulin sensitivity is lower when you are fatter, you may have trouble staying lean by eating all those starchy carbs. This may slow down your size gains because you may end up looking like a fat slob in no time.

To combat this problem, I would recommend carb cycling the way a normal meat eater would do it. Have super high carbs on training days and limit your starchy carbs on non training days. Maybe one day per week, only have vegetables as your carbs and eat nuts, and beans and fish and eggs that day.

Building a great physique as a vegetarian is definitely possible. Bill Pearl and Clarence Bass were vegetarians and a couple other legendary bodybuilders were as well. My friend and colleague, Robert Dos Remedios, is vegetarian and is a lean 240 pounds and in incredible shape. Jon Hinds is a vegan, in his mid 40's and is jacked and strong as could be. The greatest tight end in NFL history, Tony Gonzalez is also a vegetarian and obviously it hasn't hurt him in the least.

Like the great Chuck D once said, don't believe the hype. You don't need 400 grams of protein per day to grow. You will progress just fine as a vegetarian. Good luck and train hard.

More Information About Muscle Building Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

How Much Sleep Do I Need?



Let's face it.. sleep is necessary for life!
Better yet, sleep has an increased rate of anabolism (the synthesis of cell structures), and a decreased rate of catabolism (the breakdown of cell structures).
What this means to you is more muscle.
Have you heard the term, "You don't grow in the gym, you grow out of the gym." Well sleep is part of that. It's not just recovery but it's when your muscles repair themselves.
:: Stages of Sleep ::
Currently, scientists divide sleep into two general types: REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and NREM (non-REM).
And within those types, there are 5 defined stages of sleep referred to as Stages 1 thru 5.
Did you know that Non-REM (Stage 1-4 sleep) accounts for 75-80% of total sleep time? it's also in those stages that your body repairs itself and it's when the real growth occurs.
:: Optimal Sleep Amounts ::
An American study linked life spans with sleep amount and found that those who sleep 4 to 7 hours live the longest, with those sleeping less than 4 or more than 9 hours living shorter lives[1]. The National Sleep Foundation however maintains that 8 hours of sleep is optimal, claiming improved performance in tests, reduced risk of accidents and a better immune system. It is important to mention this does not apply to children and adolescents, particularly children who require as much as 13 hours a night.
:: Importance of Optimal Sleep ::
First, some theories of sleep describe sleep as a dynamic time of healing and growth for organisms. For example, during stages 3 and 4, or slow-wave sleep, growth hormone levels increase, and changes in immune function occur.
Non-REM sleep may be an anabolic state marked by physiological processes of growth and rejuvenation of the organism's immune, nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems.
But what happens if you don't get enough sleep?
:: Lack of Sleep ::
This is a list of potential problems associated with a lack of sleep or sleep deprivation.
irritability hernia nausea Decreased ability for the immune system to fight off sickness Weight gain increased blood pressure Aching muscles Faster aging Slowed reaction time dizziness
For all those reasons, you can see that getting enough sleep is EXTREMELY important to your goals of muscle building and fat loss. A lack of sleep can really put a lid on your progress.
Short bouts of sleep deprivation probably won't stifle your gains but long term sleep problems can certainly curtail your progress.
While there is not single number that works for every single person, generally 4-7 hours should be enough for most people under most conditions to build muscle and burn fat.
It's true that some people need more and some people need less.
:: Sleep Tips for Getting the Rest You Need ::
Here's just a few tips for healthy and restful sleep.
Sleep only when sleepy – There's no reason to go to sleep or attempt to sleep if you aren't tired.
If you cannot fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up until you are tired and try again. Don't lie awake for hours.
Nap no more than 20 minutes and certainly not too late in the day as it will interfere with going to sleep later.
Get up and go to bed at the same time every day. This includes weekends. Establish a sleep routine and stick with it.
Refrain from exercising 4 hours before your regular bedtime. You can do morning workouts and late afternoon but if you workout too close to bed time, you've essentially just woken yourself up. It will be harder to go to sleep quickly if you've just got your blood flowing.
Develop sleep rituals. Many parents try and calm their children down 20 minutes or more before bed. This establishes a relaxation time frame before sleeping. Whatever you can do to relax before going to bed.
Only use your bed for sleeping.
Stay away from stimulates 4-6 hours before bed. That includes alcohol, nicotine and caffeine.
Have a light snack before bed.
Take a hot bath 90 minutes before bed. Some studies have shown that a drop in body temperature will leave you feeling sleepy. The bath will warm you up and getting out will cool you down. That drop can leave you feeling ready to sleep and it's a relaxing ritual as well before heading off to bed. A hot/warm shower will also do the trick.
Ensure your bed and bedroom are quiet and comfortable. This means the place where you sleep is conducive to sleeping.
One sleep "secret" action you can take within 45 seconds of opening your eyes in the morning, to instantly raise your energy is to use sunlight to set your biological clock. When light hits your skin, it starts to destroy melatonin. The faster you can get rid of melatonin, the less groggy you will feel upon waking. The first 15 seconds you can either open up a window and get some sunlight or you can look near a bright light if it's too dark outside. This will help to wake you up quickly and get rid of that groggy feeling you sometimes can feel.
Needless to say…
Sleep is extremely important to getting the most of our your fitness program. There's several benefits to sleep beyond the simple fact it's required for life. There's long term effects of sleep deprivation that will interfere with your goals.
Clearly when you sleep, your body is growing and repairing form the workout you did to stimulate muscle growth. This means it is critical to your overall progress.

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Do You Really Need “Cardio” Workouts?

In this article, I have an intriguing discussion about cardio workouts, which will hopefully get you thinking differently, and trying new things.

You may know I've been called the anti-cardio guy before, but this week I'm back posing the question to you… Do you really need cardio training to get lean and in great shape? By the way, you'll see in a minute that I'm not really "anti-cardio", just "anti traditional cardio".

Most fitness buffs, weekend warriors, or anyone trying to get in shape or lose body fat, consider it a fact that they need "cardio" exercise to accomplish these goals. They would never even question it.

However, I'm not only questioning it, I'm going to refute it! In fact, you may be surprised to know that some of the leanest and meanest people I know (men and women), NEVER do any type of normal or traditional cardio. And I've spent over 15 years working out in various gyms, and hanging out with athletes of all sorts, so I've seen it all.

I will say that there can be a place for low-moderate level cardio for really overweight or deconditioned people, but even in those cases, there can be more effective methods.

But what exactly is "cardio"?

Most people would consider cardio to be pumping away mindlessly on a treadmill, riding a stationary bike, or coasting on an elliptical machine, while watching the TV screen at their state of the art gym. This is what I call "traditional cardio". Hmmm, no wonder the majority of people get bored with their workouts and give up after a couple months without seeing results.

But if you look closer, "cardio" exercise can be considered any type of exercise or activity that strengthens the cardiovascular system. I'm not going to get into anything technical like increasing your VO2 max or anything like that. To keep it simple, if it gets your heart pumpin, and gets you huffin and puffin, it's cardio. I don't care if you're holding dumbbells or a barbell and everyone calls it a weight training exercise…it's still conditioning your heart.

Let's take a look at a couple examples. Take a barbell (or dumbbell, or kettlebell) clean & press for example, which involves lifting a barbell from the floor up to shoulders, then push pressing overhead. And listen up ladies, because even though this is usually seen as a manly exercise, it doesn't matter if you're not lifting 250 lbs; if 45 lbs is challenging to you, then you will still benefit just as much.

At first glance, most people think of the barbell C&P only as a weight training exercise or strength exercise. However, I challenge you to do a hard set of around 10-15 reps on the C&P. If you used a challenging enough weight, what you'll find is that your heart rate is probably up to about 80-90% of your recommended max, and you are huffing and puffing like you just ran a 100-meter sprint (which by the way, sprinting kicks the crap out of jogging any day if you want the easiest way to lose the flab).

Try the same thing for a set of 20 reps of one-arm snatches or swings with each arm with a kettlebell or dumbbell, and tell me your legs aren't burning, heart racing, and you're gasping for breath. How about trying 5 minutes straight of bodyweight squats, lunges, and pushups with very little rest. Again, notice your heart pounding, sweat pouring off of you, and chest heaving for breaths!

Try and tell me you're not conditioning your heart with this style of training! Conventional thinking says that these are weight training or strength training exercises. However, they are fullfilling your cardio workout needs as well (saving you time!).

Not only do you save time, but you strengthen and condition almost every muscle in your entire body with these full body exercises if you do them with enough intensity…something that can't be said for that boring stationary bike ride or treadmill jaunt while reading or watching TV.

Reading or watching TV while you workout is a joke!

Seriously, if you can read or watch TV while doing any exercise, you're not concentrating enough on what you're doing, plus you're probably not working out hard enough to see any real results.

I challenge you to give the "traditional cardio" a rest for a month or two, and start training the way I explain in my internationally-selling Truth about Six pack Abs Program, and see how you start getting leaner, more defined, and your six pack starting to show through what used to be stubborn stomach fat deposits.

Truth about Abs program reader reviews

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

For Sore Muscles This Works Like Crazy



As discussed in some previous articles, muscle soreness can be caused by three hypothesis( muscle damage, tissue damage, muscle spasms) resulting in cumulative micro trauma resulting in some type of cellular damage. At times, this can be the leading cause of overtraining and being uncomfortable for a few days after training.
Continual cellular damage over and over to the point where the body cannot recovery can result in overtraining.
Don't worry…
Here's a quick checklist for helping to reduce the amount of muscle soreness you may experience. You can use one or all of these the next time you feel a little too sore from your last workout.
Phase 1 – Pre Training Recovery
Leg Elevation: Many of us stand or sit for long periods of time before going to the gym and training. This is a less than optimal condition because your overall circulation is less than ideal. What you can do is 20-30 minutes before you train, lay down with your feel against a wall or other object and get the blood back to your upper body and heart.
You'll improve your circulation especially when you train legs or your lower back.
If you want, you can take this opportunity to listen to music or take a quick nap and begin the mental transition into training.
Phase 2 – Recovery During Training
Rest Intervals Between Sets:
A great way to boost the intensity of any workout without changing a single thing is to decrease the rest time between sets. You'll instantly get more work done in less time. If you feel that the intensity is too high, you can increase the time between sets and help reduce the build up of lactic acid as well. The time you take to rest between sets has a significant impact on your next set as well as future performance.
Movement Between Sets:
Just think about it. It's like a warm up and cool down all over again but between the sets. Most people understand the importance of warming up before lifting weights. They also know about a proper cool down after working out.
But did you know that you can use those sample principles on a minute level in between your sets?
This movement not only serves as a 'transition' between an all out effort and recovery but it aids in better circulation and helps reduce the swelling of muscular tissues.
Remember that soreness can be caused by a few hypothesis (tissue damage, muscle damage, spasms). But did you stop to think that if you keep on training "heavy" you just keep on damaging the muscle at a micro level over and over without a change to recover?
Incorporating a light day or week into your training can help flush the area with new blood, reduce the formation of scar tissue and flush waste from the area.
Planning these type of workouts in your training program will speed up the time needed to recover as well as add variety to your program which in turn provides overall recovery.
Phase 3 – Post Training Recovery
My strong hunch is that most people will be unable to avoid soreness at some point and seek treatment.
So that's why there's a few ways you can help reduce the severity of soreness during your training as well as aid in the recovery process after your training.
Contrast Showers:
Done on your lumbar area, this involves using short bursts of hot and cold water to improve the circulation. You can further stretch during this time to flush new blood to the area.
Post Workout Nutrition:
Needless to say…
After your workout your body is in a prime time to devour nutrients. This is an ideal time to give it the protein it needs with the carbohydrates for energy recovery.
You see, if muscle soreness is caused by micro trauma resulting in cellular damage then obviously you want to give your body plenty of materials quickly to repair itself.
Proper post workout nutrition can reduce the amount of soreness you can experience.
Therapeutic Modulaities:
This can encompass such things as massage, sauna, whirlpool, chiropractic adjustments, acupressure and others are among the more popular therapeutic modalities. Make no mistake….
Recovery really begins when you leave the gym. Depending on factors such as your level of fitness, age, medical conditions, you may be wise to use some or all of these post workout recovery methods to speed up overall recovery.
There's no magic formula per se but anything you can do to help speed the recovery process will result in less muscular discomfort and quicker recovery for the next workout.
Have you heard that 90% gym-goers overtrain 90% of the time?
Could it be that simply "under-recovered" and could easily stand to train more if only they could recover quicker?
While there is not a set number of hours you need to sleep as that depends on the individuals schedule, personal preferences and level of stress it's still clear that sleep is vital to recovery.
This is the time your body repairs all that micro trauma.
If you aren't getting enough quality sleep, it can affect your overall recovery and body's ability to repair itself. That can lead to prolonged muscle soreness. The amount of sleep each person needs will vary.
Make no mistake about muscle soreness…
It's uncomfortable!
But using any or all of the above recovery methods you can significantly reduce the duration of muscle soreness.
More important than that…
Create a periodized program that helps to keep your body in a state of recovery and avoid overtraining.

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Does Doing Cardio Make You Lose Muscle?

I want to set one thing straight before I get started here.

This site is designed around having a solid all round physique with large amounts of lean muscle and low-medium body fat levels, I am writing this from the perspective of somebody wanting to build muscle fast, not someone interested in running marathons or competing in the annual hot dog eating competition!

The question of whether or not cardio has a negative impact on muscle mass is really up in the air for lots of people. I for one know seasoned veterans with concrete beliefs that cardio burns muscle so they steer completely clear. This post will set things straight and help you understand the impact cardio has not only on your performance but also your reflection.

What does cardio exercise ask of your body?

Unlike resistance (weight) training, cardio exercise is traditionally based around repetitive bodyweight movements which maintain a medium to high heart rate for extended periods of time. What this means is that your body's energy output is more centred around entering a catabolic state (tissue burning) rather than the anabolic state we need to build muscle.

To put really simply, when doing cardio exercise, energy is burnt in this order;

1) Carbohydrates (both stored and direct from foods)

2) Fats (from foods and as stored cells)

3) Proteins (amino acids from muscle tissue)

Points 1 & 2 above is where you should aim to be and aim to stay. It is at those stages where one can rapidly reduce their body fat levels while maintaining their hard earned muscle mass.

It is point 3 above that causes all the headaches! This is where your body transfers into a state of mass catabolism just to maintain energy output levels. It has burnt through the energy assigned for standard exercise and now needs an external outlet to keep the ball rolling. The body begins to feed off its own muscle cells as a key source of energy.

When does this happen?

As a general consensus in the strength training industry, medium to high intensity cardio with a duration OVER the 1 hour mark is seen as an instigator for the body shifting into a muscle burning state.

Are there ways to get around this if long cardio can't be avoided? 

After training several professional footballers, fighters and other sport men and women I understand that long periods of cardio sometimes simply can't be avoided. So if that person was on a bulking cycle and their main priority was to gain muscle weight while maintaining their fitness levels, I would always recommend 2 things;

By eating 1-2 large servings of complex carbohydrates, you are ensuring your first choice energy stores are at full capacity, the higher they are, the longer they will last.

A method I use to measure my own cardiovascular fitness levels are by monitoring my muscular endurance and breathing capacity. Both of these are influenced by your 'heart rate' and the higher your heart rate the more energy burnt and more benefits you will receive.

So raising your heart rate to levels above 75% of your max and maintaining it there is one of the most effective fitness and fat burning tools.

Running on a treadmill for an hour will still require large amounts of energy but will take around 15-30 minutes before high enough heart rate levels are reached, the levels needed to improve your cardio fitness.

What if all I want is size, should I forget about cardio? 

A big fat NO here. Cardio exercise actually helps you build muscle by enhancing your recovery from weight training by promoting blood flow and oxygen transport to your muscles.

If you're skinny at the moment and fat loss isn't a priority, aim for 2 cardio workouts per week.

If you have a larger frame with a little excess body fat, aim for around 3-4 cardio sessions per week by replacing 1 or 2 weight sessions throughout the week with a full body circuit.

If you're one of those people who trains hard each day only to be sore the entire week because of it, try improving your fitness levels with short sharp cardio sessions, you will see incredible improvements in your energy and recovery times.

Reuben's favourite cardio workout! 

I've been living the fitness lifestyle almost all my life which means I like to get things done as fast and effectively as I can, we all live busy lives so I'm sure you know where I'm coming from.

To give you a brief indication of the level of fitness I need to be at throughout the year I must be able to complete;

1) Run 1.5 mile (2.4km) in under 8 minutes

2) Complete 110 pushups in 2 minutes

3) Hold a static plank/bridge for 8 minutes

So most of my cardio sessions are designed for functional strength and fitness in the form of circuit training.

Setting up a circuit:

Select 5 different training stations; here is an example;

EX-1) Barbell deadlifts

EX-2) Feet elevated pushups

EX-3) Standing dumbbell shoulder press

EX-4) Burpees

EX-5) Treadmill sprints

Start on EX-1 and perform nonstop for 45 seconds, then move directly (without rest) onto EX-2 and do the same.

Go all the way through to EX-5 nonstop and that is 1 set complete.

You start set 2 directly after finishing set 1 with no rest in between. This is a continuous nonstop circuit which you must complete 7 sets to finish.

All up you would have performed around 30 minutes of non stop cardio conditioning. You can make changes to exercises, tempo, load and timings later as your ability progresses.

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Causes of Severe Gassiness and How to Curb the Problem


Causes of Severe Gassiness and How to Curb the Problem

Everybody experiences a little gas now and then. It's not always pleasant but it is a fact of life. Sometimes though, it's not just 'gas' but rather gassiness that is downright severe. When this happens, it can pass beyond embarrassing and become a real problem. But what causes severe gassiness and what can you do to prevent or minimize it? You'll never be able to entirely eliminate gas there are steps you can take to address the problem. Let's take a look and see.

For the most part, gas is in the body is the result of swallowed air or it is produced as part of the digestive process. Nearly all of the gassiness that arises from swallowing air is released through the mouth as a burp or a belch. This type of gassiness is generally not too much of a problem. It's the gassiness that makes its way into the intestinal track that can become severe and quite problematic.

As our bodies breakdown the foods we eat the chemical processes produce small amounts of gas. Some of this gas is absorbed into the bloodstream and some of it makes its way into the esophagus, where it is released through burping or belching. The remaining gas heads down into the small intestine, where it is partially absorbed. The leftover gas moves on down into the large intestine where it is released through the 'back door' as flatulence.

As our bodies breakdown the foods we eat the chemical processes produce small amounts of gas So now that we have a basic understanding of gas, let's move on to a discussion about severe gassiness and how to curb the problem when it happens to you. The majority of the gas that goes into the lower intestinal track (large intestine) is produced when bacteria in the digestive system ferment carbohydrates that didn't get digested in the small intestine. Not surprisingly, different foods produce more gas than others. Foods that are high in fiber tend to produce more gas than others.

Unfortunately, some of the healthiest foods–fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes–produce the most gas. Many people who start eating healthier by switching from simple carbohydrates (those found in white breads and processed foods) to complex carbs are surprised to find that they are suddenly very gassy. While these high fiber foods have many health benefits, gassiness is an inevitable side effect.

For the most part though, eating these high fiber, healthy, complex carbs does not cause severe gassiness. The type of gas that is produced by eating these foods is generally fairly mild. The health benefits realized from eating these foods outweigh the minor issue of gas that they produce.

Severe gassiness largely arises from some sort of medical condition or intolerance. For example, millions of people cannot tolerate lactose, which is found in nearly any kind of dairy product. A person who is lactose intolerant who–purposely or inadvertently–consumes lactose is often faced with the sudden onset of severe gassiness that may include abdominal pain and bloating in addition to flatulence and belching.

Other food or ingredient intolerances can produce severe gassiness in some people. Other common offenders include: sugar; raffinose (a complex sugar found in cabbage, brussel sprouts and others); fructose; and sorbitol. For some people, these foods or ingredients don't produce much gas at all but for others, the resulting gassiness can be severe. Some bodybuilders note intolerance to some of the ingredients in protein powders, which results in the onset of severe gassiness. Lastly, some medicines or medical conditions can cause serious gassiness. Some of these conditions can be quite severe and require medical attention.

Now let's move on to how you can curb the problem of severe gassiness. If it's just an occasional problem that crops up now and then and doesn't last long, then chances are, your severe gassiness is related to something you ate and will pass soon. If however, your severe gassiness occurs frequently, gets progressively worse or lasts for a prolonged period, then it may stem from a medical condition or intolerance to something.

You can first try changing your diet by keeping track of the foods you eat to see if you notice any patterns or relationships between certain foods and severe gassiness. If you're eating them you might also want to try eliminating high fat foods from your diet. If none of this helps then you should most definitely consult a medical professional to determine if you have an illness or condition that is causing the problem.

A doctor may recommend dietary changes, a non-prescription medicine such as antacids or charcoal tablets. In some cases doctors will also suggest a prescription medicine to address the issue. In any case, severe gassiness is not something you should take lightly. It can not only be uncomfortable and embarrassing, but occasionally harmful as well.

More Information About Muscle Building Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Capillary Training & Maintaining The Pump


Capillary Training & Maintaining The Pump

If you're a climber you may have heard of capillary training-it's been a staple for years, helping climbers to develop anaerobic endurance.

Lately though, you may hear guys at the gym talking about a different kind of capillary training. This type of capillary training doesn't focus on building anaerobic endurance, but rather on packing on mass. It's gaining popularity not just for this, but also for the fact that it results in an awesome, lasting pump. So in the near future, you'll not only hear guys at the gym talking about capillary training but doing it to-and with great results.

Let's start with an overview. Capillaries are what carry nutrient- and oxygen-rich blood to the muscle fibers. You get pumped when the capillaries expand, increasing the blood flow to the muscle fibers, swelling them up beyond their normal size. Lots of different training routines can give you a good pump while you're at the gym. The problem is that not long after you head out the door though, the "pump" is on the decline-soon to disappear almost entirely.

But unlike most common training methods you're likely to see at the gym-like high intensity training or the "train to failure" technique, capillary training helps your body to maintain the pump long after you've left the gym. And how does it accomplish

Capillary Training & Maintaining The Pumpthis? To understand how it works, you'll need to be aware of a basic commonality of training techniques such as high intensity training and training to failure. Both focus on "stressing" the muscle-which in itself is not a problem-but at the same time, they're stressing the central nervous system, causing it to go into "high alert" mode. This is what unleashes the unwanted metabolic side effects. The nervous system is forced into an almost constant "emergency mode", which ultimately hampers the gains we could have otherwise achieved.

So here's where capillary training differs. Unlike other training methods, with capillary training, no sets are performed to failure. In fact, you train with a lighter weight than what you're typically used to, performing 10 reps for 5-8 sets. Rest time between sets is kept to a strict 60-90 seconds maximum. So while intensity is reduced, the overall training volume is increased. The benefits of this include bigger, sustainable gains (remember the lasting pump I mentioned earlier?) and no unwanted metabolic side effects.

Natural bodybuilding expert Dan Gallapoo-better known as Doberman Dan-has developed an awesome capillary training system called the

Hyper Growth Muscle Mass Training (HGMMT) program. Dan says his program is based on volume and that-combined with good form and the correct time frame is a much, much better and faster way of growing very large and strong muscles than other training methodologies. HGMMT and its underlying principles have proven to be particularly effective for helping hardgainers to pack on lean muscle.

 The basic concept of capillary training (HGMMT) is that our muscles have a work capacity that is limited by time. By performing more, but less intense work within that time frame, it stimulates and allows for maximum muscle growth. When the work load becomes too intense, it results in metabolic shock, which results in unwanted side effects-basically, the body cannibalizing itself. It's important to note that capillary training is not a light weight-high repetitions training program. High reps are great for toning, not for building mass. We're not talking about light weight but rather less weight than what you're typically used to lifting.

In order to determine exactly how much weight you should be lifting, you need to first determine the amount of weight you can lift comfortably for 8-10 reps. In HGMMT this is called the "max set point." Knowing this, you generally reduce the weight by 25%. All of your sets are performed using the same weight. It doesn't necessarily make your workouts any easier-in fact, because you're increasing the overall number of reps, you'll actually be pumping more weight than with high intensity or "train to failure" methods.

One of the great things about this type of training is that it is particularly effective for the guys who are genetically average, which is the overwhelming majority of the population. These are the hardgainers and for them, putting on mass can be really tough. With the help of scientific research into the physiology of what really drives muscle growth though, capillary training-and HGMMT-presents a training program that really works, even if you're not genetically gifted.

More Information About Muscle Building Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

An In-Depth Look at the Spartan 300 Workout

An In-Depth Look at the Spartan 300 Workout

The film 300 was a box office hit, grossing over $300 million. But it wasn't just the film that was getting all the attention-there was just about as much talk about the actors' incredibly sculpted physiques as there was about the movie's plot, acting, special effects, or anything else. Women just wanted to stare and dream and guys wanted to know what they did to get in such great shape.

It's said that the guys whipped themselves into shape doing a training regimen that included 50 reps each of six different exercises with no break between sets-for a total of 300 reps. This grueling training routine came to be known as the Spartan 300 Workout. But was this really the routine the guys followed in order to prepare for their roles? Yes and no.

It took some digging to get to the bottom of what really went on but what I discovered is that the 300 rep workout was only a small part of their training regimen. I can tell you thought that the guys did spend at least six hours every day in the gym.

First, you want to understand that the guys in the film were all in really good shape before they auditioned for the roles-casting directors aren't in the habit of picking dumpy out-of-shape guys for roles like this because they see their "potential."

The actors' training routine lasted about four months and was developed by renowned trainer Mark Twight. Since he wanted the guys to actually look and act like real Spartan warriors, he incorporated techniques that would emphasize the fighter qualities rather than just building muscle. He didn't want the actors to look like pumped up bodybuilders.

The actors trained in competitive group sessions that included a system of penalties and rewards. Physical training focused on developing athleticism, using a variety of ever-changing routines that combined compound movements, lifting and throwing and relied upon non-traditional equipment such as medicine balls and kettlebells rather than machines or even free weights. The same session was rarely repeated.

The point of the regimen was to improve all around fitness using a wide variety of movements that developed the ranges of motion required in real fighting. This was accomplished by submitting the body to ever-changing-and increasingly difficult-physical challenges. Preparation for the roles also included eight weeks of daily fight training.

No surprises here-their diet was very strict and focused on fueling the actors' bodies with plenty of lean proteins, limited carbs and only healthy, unsaturated fats. Anybody who fell of the "diet wagon" was admonished by his fellow actors-en masse-which was part of Twight's plan of having the guys train together as a cohesive group.

Now, back to the Spartan 300 Workout. What I uncovered was that this legendary routine wasn't done daily, weekly or even monthly. Rather, it was presented as a challenge at the end of the four-month training regimen. From what I understand, only about one-half of the actors actually completed it successfully.

Here are the components of the Spartan 300 Workout Challenge followed by explanations of how they did the floor wipers and the clean and press:

  1. Pull-ups: 25 reps;
  2. Deadlifts with 135 pounds: 50 reps;
  3. Pushups: 50 reps
  4. 24-inch box jumps: 50 reps;
  5. Floor wipers: 50 reps;
  6. Single-arm clean and press with 36 pound kettlebell: 50 reps;
  7. Pull-ups: 25 reps;

Floor wipers: This exercise builds core strength and works the abs. Load a barbell with 135 pounds and lie on the floor. Press the barbell up, extending your arms all the way and holding in that position. Keeping your legs straight, touch your feet to the right side of the bar and then to the left side to complete one repetition.

An In-Depth Look at the Spartan 300 Workout Single-arm clean and press: If you're not familiar with them, a kettlebell looks like a cannonball with a handle. If you don't happen to have one hanging around, you can also use a 35-pound dumbbell. With your legs shoulder-width apart, set the kettlebell on the floor and grab it by the handle. Bring the weight up in front of your shoulder, elbow bent and pointed down. Press the kettlebell up towards the ceiling. Without pausing, bring it immediately back down to your shoulder and then lower it back to the starting position, with the weight on the floor-repeat (49 more times).

If you're looking to replicate that "300″ look, you can take the basic elements of what these guys did and come up with your own routine and get the same basic results. Mix up your training and incorporate bodybuilding exercises, fighting exercises, dumbbells and even kettlebells. Be sure to add plenty of exercises that build and strengthen your core. Set a goal for yourself to do your own version of the 300 rep workout, lowering the number of reps or swapping out some of the exercises. Do something that's challenging but not so tough that you wind up in the hospital. But do set a goal. It gives you something to strive for and helps keep you on track.

More Information About Muscle Building Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

3 Kettelbell Exercises To Test The Waters

There seems to be a certain reservation among "regular" gym goers when it comes to trying Kettlebell Training.

I say this because when I train with my clients at the gym and have them do work with kettlebells, there always seems to be 3 or 4 wandering eyes peering over at what we are doing.

It's pretty humorous because some will resort to stealth-like ninja techniques to perform the "wandering-eye-walk-by" whereby they pretend to be on their way to the water fountain and just casually stroll by 4 or 5 times to try and catch some instruction.

But honestly, 4 drinks in between your sets of ab/adductor machine?

Truth be told, Kettlebell Training is gaining momentum and it's good to see that people are actually taking an interest in a simpler alternative to "traditional" weight training.

So with that being said, let me see if I can ease you into Kettlebell Training.

Here are 3 exercises you can start doing today, just by "subbing-in" a kettlebell for a dumbbell…

1. Substitute KB Military Press for any type of Overhead Pressing with a Dumbbell

Pick up a kettlebell and bring in it in close to your body ensuring that 1) your WRIST STAYS IN NEUTRAL (never flexing or extending) and 2) it is resting in the nook of your arm between your bicep and forearm (take a look at the picture of me above left in the header).

Brace your abs hard, pretending that someone is about to punch you in the stomach. Keeping your wrist straight, squeeze the handle of the KB as tight as you can and take a breath in, creating and even tenser brace in your abdomen.

Now press the kettlebell overhead moving your arm from a neutral GRIP (palm facing towards your midline) to a pronated GRIP (palm facing away) as you lock your elbow out over your head.

The important thing here is to LOCK OUT.  I know in some body building circles they tell you to keep a slight bend in your elbow, even in the overhead position, to "keep tension on the muscle".  That's not the case here.  This isn't body building.

You are going to LOCK OUT and make sure that 1) Your shoulder is depressed.  That is, it's not up by your ears, it's down and back 2) Your bicep is almost touching your ear and 3) The kettlebell, while in the overhead lock-out position is in line if not BEHIND your head.

Slowly lower the KB back to the starting position following the same pronated to neutral curve you used when you pressed it over head.

2. Try a Modified Renegade Row in place of a standard 1-Arm Bent-Over Row

Unlike a standard DB Row, where you rest a knee on the bench, the Modified Renegade Row will force you to really use your abs to keep your low back stable.

Place a kettlebell on the floor on the left side and then place both hands on the edge of a bench (or chair).  With your hands on the bench/chair, set yourself up so that you're in  a "push-up" position with your feet slightly wider that hip-width apart.

Reach down and grab the KB with your left hand.  Brace your abs and squeeze your glutes and row the kettlebell into your body towards your hip.  Remember when you row to squeeze your shoulder blades together prior to bending your elbow.

As you row, you'll notice that your body will want to twist and rotate because of the uneven distribution of weight.  You must prevent this from happening.  By bracing your abs and squeezing your glutes, you will work your abs like they've never been worked before!

Slowly lower the weight, again not allowing yourself to rotate and repeat for the required reps.

3. Replace regular squats with a 1-Arm KB Front Squat

Just as the Military Press above, pick up a kettlebell and bring in it in close to your body ensuring that 1) your WRIST STAYS IN NEUTRAL (never flexing or extending) and 2) it is resting in the nook of your arm between your bicep and forearm (take a look at the picture of me above left in the header).

Brace your abs hard, pretending that someone is about to punch you in the stomach. Keeping your wrist straight, squeeze the handle of the KB as tight as you can and take a breath in, creating and even tenser brace in your abdomen.

Now, keeping the bell close, push your hips back and bend your knees.  You'll notice that as you descend, because of the uneven distribution of weight, your body will want to twist or even bend sideways.  Just like the Modified Renegade Row above, you want to resist this and brace your abs hard.

Descend into the squat by pushing your knees out allowing your hips to go below parallel and keeping your spine straight.

Push your feet into the floor (keeping your heels on the ground the entire time) and drive your body up to the standing position.

So there are 3 exercises you can try out today, using only 1 KB, to help familiarize yourself with Kettlebell Training. 

In addition to the benefit of only needing one piece of equipment for the above exercises, the uneven distribution of weight during KB Training allows you to use your abs like no other exercises can. They force you to stabilize your spine and to try to stay straight forcing your abs to work the way they were meant to be worked – as stabilizers of your torso and spine and not as "prime movers".

And because of this, you'll find that people who train with KBs tend to have bullet-proof abdominals, while eliminating low back pain and gaining usable strength that will help you in everyday life.

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

5 Tips to Eat Healthier, Exercise Smarter, and Get in the Best Shape of Your Life

1.  Consider eliminating grain-based foods from your diet, and focus more on fruits and vegetables for your carbohydrate sources.  Despite the fact that most so-called "health professionals" tell you to eat 6-9 servings of "whole grains" daily, they may be inadvertently leading you down the wrong path, and causing digestion problems, reduced energy, and even weight gain.

The truth is that the human digestive system has developed over almost 100,000 years to process a "hunter gatherer" type of diet most efficiently — this means fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs, and meat (from healthy animals, a far cry from today's factory farmed animals).

Grains, on the other hand, were not introduced to the human diet until more recent times with the invention of agriculture (only a couple thousand years ago), and therefore, our digestive systems are still not designed optimally for grain foods.  It's no surprise that it's estimated that the majority of the world's population has at least some degree of problem digesting gluten, a protein which is common to most grains (wheat being the biggest problem for most people).

My advice — test out giving up grain foods for 1-2 weeks and see if you have more energy, feel better overall, and start losing weight.  I have another article here that talks about 2 foods worth doing a test for eliminating from your diet, and see if you notice improvements in energy and health.

2.  When it comes to eating meat, you MUST choose organic and grass-fed (or free range).  Grass-fed meats (such as grass fed bison or beef) have as much as 2-5 times more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) than do conventional grain-fed meats.  CLA is a natural healthy fat that can help to reduce cancer risks as well as help to burn off body fat and build muscle (according to some studies).

Also, grass-fed meats contain a healthier, more balanced profile of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids, which helps to reduce inflammation in your body.  On the other hand, typical commerical grain-fed meats contain fat profiles that are far out of whack and way too high on the omega-6 fatty acids, and too low on the healthy omega-3′s.

My advice — forget about conventional meats and stick to only grass-fed or free range on the labels.  It may cost slightly more, but isn't your body and health worth it?  The same goes for wild fish vs farmed fish… Farmed fish are never fed a healthy diet, and are instead fattened up with grain-based meal pellets, which are not the natural diet of fish.  Wild fish that ate their natural diet will have much healthier ratios of omega-6 fats to omega-3s.  Also beware of this issue with toxic fish that you can get at grocery stores.

3.  For exercise, most people think that cardio exercise is the best way to lose fat.  What most people don't realize is that high intensity weight training (when done in a specific fashion) increases your metabolic rate to a higher degree than typical "same-pace" cardio exercise routines.  Not only that, but weight training done at high intensity has also been shown to have powerful effects on your body with reducing blood pressure and increasing your body's efficiency at processing blood sugar.

If you're not already making high intensity resistance training (weight training) the foundation of your exercise routines, start putting more focus on this, and less focus on the boring cardio exercise routines.

4.  You MUST ENJOY your workouts if you are ever going to be consistent with them for long term results.  Although sports are great (and the type of exercise that most people consider fun), and I highly recommend getting involved in sports to keep yourself in great shape, you also still need to incorporate weight training (or some form of resistance training) into your regular routines for many reasons.

The bottom line is… you need resistance training to keep maximum bone density as well as to keep your metabolism as high as possible.  Most sports typically won't give you the same benefit as the best basic full body weight training exercises.  If you want a lean strong body for life, resistance training on a regular basis is a must!

5.  Diet Pills are a TOTAL WASTE of your money!

Although you may have been duped in the past with flashy ads showing fitness models with perfect bodies, I guarantee you that they did NOT get their perfect bodies from taking any ridiculous diet pills (or so-called fat-burner pills)… they achieved their high levels of fitness and sexy lean bodies through dedicated exercise routines and smart healthy nutrition… after all, their career revolves around eating extremely healthy and working out hard on a regular basis!

Watch This Amazing Video For More Information

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Build Your Own Belt


Build Your Own Belt

For a lot of guys at the gym, the weight belt is a necessary piece of equipment—you hardly ever see them without it. Other guys though, never wear a weight belt. And like everything else, you always find some guys whose feelings are somewhere in the middle. Sometimes you'll see them wearing a belt but other times you won't.

There is actually a fair amount of controversy surrounding the regular use of weight lifting belts. And of course there are strong opinions on both sides. Years ago, about the only guys you would see wearing a belt were competitive weightlifters like the ones that compete in the Olympics. Gradually, you started see them being used in some of the more well-known muscle gyms and from there, the trend just sort of took off.

Most guys today use a belt because they saw someone else wearing one or read about them in a magazine article. Few however, really understand the pros and cons of using one during weight training. Given the fact that certain injuries can have a lasting impact and even be quite debilitating, it's important to understand both sides, so let's take a look.

the weight belt is a necessary piece of equipment On the pro belt side you have the people who say that belts help prevent injuries to the lower back when lifting weights. Specifically, they say that belts reduce stress on the lower back while the person is lifting in an upright position and prevent hyperextension during overhead lifts. Those in favor of belts feel that they reduce lower back stress by providing compression for the abdominal cavity, thereby providing more support on the front side of the bones in the lower back.

In providing this support, they say that the belt allows the spinal erector muscles to produce less force during the lift than they would without the belt, reducing the risk of injury. Similarly, the pro-belt side says that weight lifting belts prevent hyperextension of the back by forming a wall around the lower torso, which limits movement of the back. This also minimizes movement from side to side. In addition, some people feel that wearing a belt causes the lifter to be more aware of this position of his back, helping him to know when his posture is correct.

So there you have a brief overview of the general reasons that guys wear a belt when lifting weights. Now let's take a look at the other side of the fence. There is actually more information against regular use of a weight lifting belt than you'll find in favor of them. One of the biggest arguments against general belt use is that they give the user a false sense of security, causing them to take more risks and overestimate their weightlifting abilities.

That's kind of like someone who drives like a maniac just because he's wearing a seat belt and is therefore 'safe' should he get into an accident. The truth is that most people don't really understand the real purpose of a belt and how to properly use one. In a lot of cases, guys wearing belts feel that wearing one allows them to lift way more weight than they would be able to lift otherwise. And thanks to the belt, they don't feel any pain—at least for a while. But when the pain does come, it arrives with a vengeance because the injury is severe.

an injury that occurs while wearing a belt is typically far more severe

Numerous experts—including the world-renowned Mayo Clinic—advise against using a weight lifting belt except in certain circumstances such as when you have a pre-existing injury. Here's why they say not to wear a belt: 1) if you do not have a pre-existing back injury, a belt does nothing to increase your safety level; 2) an injury that occurs while wearing a belt is typically far more severe than it would otherwise be; and 3) when using a weight belt 'properly,' your technique suffers.

Unless you already have a back injury, all of the benefits you want to achieve by wearing a belt can be realized by strengthening your core. For the average bodybuilder or weightlifter, developing a solid, strong core provides the same safety benefits as wearing a belt, but without the increased risk of injury. Not wearing a belt helps you keep you focused on using proper form and also helps to reduce the tendency to lift more weight than what you should be lifting. Interestingly, a study of 50 male weightlifters conducted at the Albany Medical Center (Albany, New York) found that that the guys who did not use a belt had more abdominal and back strength than the bodybuilders who did use weight belts.

There are however, certain times when I recommend use of a weightlifting belt. First, if you have a pre-existing back injury, then consult with a medical professional and use a belt to help prevent further injury. I also like to wear a belt when powerlifting and performing four or more reps with heavy weight. When powerlifting, the belt helps you when you hold your air and it gives you something to push against.

More Information About Muscle Building Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

C Section – This is What Happens During a C Section Birth

A C section is performed by using a regional anesthetic, which will numb the lower part of your body, allowing you to be awake during the operation. The reason for this is that both you and your baby are much safer than when a general anesthetic is used. The anesthetic is injected in to your spine, which is called an epidural and at the same time you may be given the choice of having a pain relieving injection that which help your post c section operation pain relief.

You will also have a catheter inserted in to your bladder to empty it's contents because when you've had the anesthetic, you won't be able to tell if it needs emptying. The operation itself will normally take around 30 – 45 minutes to complete, although emergency operations can be done in under 30 minutes.

During the c section operation, a screen will be placed over your stomach to block your view although you can request it be taken away if you'd prefer to watch. The operating table will be tilted sideways in order to lessen the likelihood of suffering from low blood pressure. This tactic also relieves any sickness you may feel as it reduces any pressure on the tummy area.

The c section incision is usually made horizontally across the lower abdomen at the top of the pubic bone, just along the bikini line. The wall of the womb is then cut through to allow the safe delivery of your baby. Your baby is then removed through the opening.

There is occasionally a chance that your baby's skin can be cut when performing a c section, but this is only usually a superficial cut and is quite rare, in fact statistics show that only around 2 out of every 100 babies are affected in this way.

After your baby has been removed, the wall of the womb will be repaired with dissolvable stitches and the abdominal wall fastened together using either suture (dissolvable stitches) or staples. Finally you may be given antibiotics and an injection of the hormone Oxytocin which helps to slow down blood loss and assists your womb to contract. Don't worry, you'll usually be able to hold your baby straight away after the birth even after having a c section.

A c section is performed by using a regional anesthetic, which will numb the lower part of your body, allowing you to be awake during the operation. The reason for this is that both you and your baby are much safer than when a general anesthetic is used. The anesthetic is injected in to your spine, which is called an epidural and at the same time you may be given the choice of having a pain relieving injection that which help your post c section operation pain relief.You will also have a catheter inserted in to your bladder to empty it's contents because when you've had the anesthetic, you won't be able to tell if it needs emptying.

The operation itself will normally take around 30 – 45 minutes to complete, although emergency operations can be done in under 30 minutes. During the c section operation, a screen will be placed over your stomach to block your view although you can request it be taken away if you'd prefer to watch. The operating table will be tilted sideways in order to lessen the likelihood of suffering from low blood pressure. This tactic also relieves any sickness you may feel as it reduces any pressure on the tummy area.

The c section incision is usually made horizontally across the lower abdomen at the top of the pubic bone, just along the bikini line. The wall of the womb is then cut through to allow the safe delivery of your baby. Your baby is then removed through the opening. There is occasionally a chance that your baby's skin can be cut when performing a c section, but this is only usually a superficial cut and is quite rare, in fact statistics show that only around 2 out of every 100 babies are affected in this way.

After your baby has been removed, the wall of the womb will be repaired with dissolvable stitches and the abdominal wall fastened together using either suture (dissolvable stitches) or staples.

Finally you may be given antibiotics and an injection of the hormone Oxytocin which helps to slow down blood loss and assists your womb to contract. Don't worry, you'll usually be able to hold your baby straight away after the birth even after having a c section.

Jago Holmes is a certified personal trainer with over 10 years experience working with moms who have given birth by c section. He has created an easy to use and highly effective system every new mom can use to tone and flatten your baby belly and safely speed up yourc section recovery.

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

The Hangover - Daily funny quotes

There are tons of amazing and hilarious quotes in The Hangover. Visit daily to read a new quote. Send me your favorite quotes too. Also, check out these hilarious t shirts, posters, and more - all inspired by quotes from The Hangover.
The Hangover Tshirt shirtThe Hangover

Today's Quote: "
There is something I want to remind you of. Our best friend, Doug, is probably face down in a ditch right now with a meth head butt f*cking his corpse."

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