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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

How To Build Muscle, Olympic Style – Part 1


Every four years, while watching the summer Olympics, you would be hard pressed not to notice the great physiques possessed by many of the athletes. But by far and away the most muscular bodies always belong to the gymnasts and the sprinters. These guys certainly know how to build muscle more effectively than most average gym rats.

For years now I have been extolling the virtues of moving your body through space when you train, as opposed to simply moving your limbs around a fixed object. When you move your body through space, as the Olympic gymnasts do, you stimulate a much higher level of neuromuscular activation. In simple terms this means that you call more muscle fibers into play on any one exercise. And the more muscle fibers you activate, the more you will grow.

So if you want to develop an incredible physique, take a lesson from the Olympic gymnasts on how to build muscle, and start moving your body through space as much as possible while you train. Following is a list of exercises to start you on the path to getting huge.

  1. Instead of triceps pushdowns do parallel bar dips.
    Have you noticed how many dips and how much work the Olympians do on the parallel bars? And have you noticed the size of their triceps? Need I say more?
  2. Instead of barbell curls do close grip chin ups.
    Ditto what I said about the dips. Not only do you get incredible biceps development from close grip chins but you also get the added bonus of massive lat and forearm development.
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  3. Instead of bench presses do chain or strap suspended pushups.
    While the bench press can be an effective mass building exercise it can also be one of the worst for your shoulders. If you want to be safer and build a chest and pair of shoulders like you see on the Olympic gymnasts I would highly recommend some type of chain or strap suspended pushup. This movement will call far more muscle fibers into play and challenge the smaller stabilizers muscles as well. Not only that but you will get an outstanding ab workout from this movement as well; something that can't be said for the bench press.
  4. Instead of leg presses, leg extensions or leg curls do double and single leg squats.
    When you sit in a fixed machine and move weight with your limbs as opposed to moving your body the level of neuromuscular activation is quite low; no matter how much weight you use. And it is very unnatural. A leg press allows you to build strength in your lower body without additional gains in lower back and core strength. This is not normal and creates an imbalance that will lead to future problems. When you do squats you incorporate nearly every muscle from head to toe and will not only build tree trunk sized legs but will stimulate growth throughout your entire body.
  5. Instead of crunches and sit ups do all of the exercises listed above.
    Isolation abdominal exercises like crunches and sit ups are not real life type movements. In real life your abdominals contract isometrically to protect your spine; they do not contract the way they do in a crunch or sit up.  Not only that, but by continually flexing your spine for hundreds of reps per week, you will surely be setting yourself up for long term back problems.
    If you follow a steady diet of chins, dips, suspended pushups and squats you will build an incredible set of abs. When you watch the Olympic gymnasts you immediately notice their rock solid abs popping right through their spandex and they never do crunches or sit ups. You simply can't hide abs like that. That kind of six pack is built with full body movements like the ones listed above.
    But if you still want to do a little extra ab work you can add in exercises like planks and ab wheel rollouts; just skip the sit ups and crunches.

Now you know how to build muscle, Olympic style. Stick with these time tested exercises and the others listed in my Muscle Gaining Secrets course for the next eight weeks and be prepared add some massive slabs of beef to your physique.

More Information About Muscle Building Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

How to Get a Pro Card in Strongman


How do you get a Pro Card In Strongman?

Watching the Strongman competitions is a really entertaining way to spend a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. You watch guys toss kegs, press logs, flip tires, drag semis and lots more incredible feats of strength-sometimes they're even carrying around their wives or girlfriends. Though they've been around for ages-literally-it's only been in the last ten years or so that they've really started getting popular. In 1998, there were a total of six sanctioned strongman events (North American Strongman) held across the country-today, more than 60 are held just in the United States each year. There are lots more held every year across Europe.

Just like in most any other sport, competitors in strongman competitions can either be amateurs or professionals. And just like other sports the key difference between the amateurs and the pros is defined by the compensation. And finally, as in any other sport you can't just decide to make the jump from amateur to pro in strongman-you've got to earn it.

According to North American Strongman, "Amateur status is any strongman that does not currently have a recognized Pro Card by ASC (American Strongman Corp) or any competitor not qualified or ranked as one of the top professional competitors. The NAS National Heavyweight and Lightweight Champion will receive a Pro Card."

To begin the journey towards getting the coveted Pro Card you need to understand that there are four different strongman event levels: Silver, Gold, Platinum and Platinum Plus. You'll need to work through all of these events before you can get one though.

The Silver Level event is what you might call your local strongman contest. This is where beginners will usually start out. In these contests one overall winner in each weight class or division gets an invitation to the North American Strongman (NASM) Championship. Gold is the next level. These events can either be regional meets or state championships. Here, the top two winning athletes in each division or weight class are offered an invitation to compete in the NASM championships.

Strength Camp!

The Platinum Level competition can also be a state championship but it has to meet stricter guidelines like promoter history and the number of competitors. At these events the top three athletes in each division or weight class receive invitations to the NASM championships. The Platinum Plus Level is the king of strongman competitions-there are a maximum of six of these held each year. The winner of the Platinum Plus competition is awarded his Pro Card.

The benefits of getting your Pro Card are like anything else-mostly related to earnings and prestige. Though the earning levels in strongman competitions hasn't reached the level of some professional sports, the monies can still be pretty respectable.

A typical strongman competition can have anywhere from six to ten events. Some of the more common challenges include:

Farmer's walk: Like your standard farmer's walk except these guys are doing it carrying weights ranging from 180-330 pounds per hand;

These are of course just some of the events you're likely to see. They vary from one competition to the next.

No surprises here but being a strongman is tough-a lot tougher than you might think. It's not just about strength and power-you've got to have endurance, speed and flexibility too. No two competitions are alike and each one can have a number of different events that require one or more skill sets. So a strongman can't just focus on one type of training-he's got to be prepared for just about anything. That means using multiple weight training techniques-no standard routines here-combined with elements of speed and endurance training as well.

More Information About Muscle Building Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

How does Sleep affect Fat Loss?

Diet Solution ProgramCan being sleep deprived cause you to gain weight?  Yes!  Many people don't realize the many health implications of sleep deprivation.  It may even be hindering your fat loss efforts.

How does sleep (or sleep deprivation) affect your weight loss efforts?

Here are just a few reasons why sleeping may be the missing link to your weight loss efforts:

1. When you're tired, it is so much harder to make healthy choices.  I'm not sure if this is more about psychology or physiology or a combination of both. However, I know I have experienced it firsthand. When I get a good night's sleep, sticking to my regular exercise and healthy eating routine is a cinch. But when I'm sleep deprived, I somehow think that chocolate and sugar will make me feel better. The truth is, it never does! It actually makes me feel worse. Much worse, because the blood sugar highs and lows makes me more tired and cranky than before I ate the sweets.

2. Now for some science. Researchers from several separate studies have found a link between sleep and the hormones that influence our eating behavior. Two specific hormones are involved. Ghrelin is responsible for feelings of hunger. Leptin tells the brain when it's time to stop. When you're sleep deprived, your ghrelin levels increase at the same time that your leptin levels decrease. The result is an increased craving for food and not feeling full (a hormone disaster as far as staying on track with a healthy eating plan). Nothing is worse than craving food and being hungry at the same time.

3. Many people don't know this, but your body adjusts itself based on your circadian rhythms and the amount of sunlight outside. Without getting too deep into the science, these rhythms and light tell your body to physically recover approximately between the hours of 10pm-2am and to mentally recover approximately between 2am-6am. If you aren't getting to bed until 12am, you are missing out on 2 crucial hours of physical repair. This can result in all sorts of aches and pains that do not get better, no matter what you try. I have seen clients relieve bad backs and aching joints by just getting to bed by 10pm. I have even seen people get smarter by sleeping til 6am (ok, I made this last statement up but wouldn't that be great?). All kidding aside, I have seen people act consistently sharper when they are well rested.

How are you going to get a good night's sleep to ensure you are not sabotaging your weight loss efforts?

Here are a few tips for getting a good night's sleep:

1. Don't watch TV before bed. You may not realize how fired up the news or your favorite TV show gets you before bed time. Instead grab a book or your favorite magazine and read in bed. This works wonders, especially a good fiction book that will help you forget the day's events.

2. Cut your caffeine intake early in the day. An afternoon coffee or tea can still be racing through your blood stream at 10pm. Cut out your last caffeinated beverage by noon. This includes all coffee and teas (except herbal teas). Once you catch up on your sleep, you won't be so dependent on your afternoon java kick.

3. Avoid Sugar before bed. (You were avoiding sugar anyway right?) Consuming sugar right before bed leads to a blood sugar roller coaster ride, potentially waking you up in the middle of the night due to a blood sugar low.

4. Put your work away before bed. There is nothing worse than a racing mind before bed. Crunching numbers and reading work documents right before bed may lead to dreams about work (or nightmares). End all work at least 2 hours before bed. If this is not possible for you, you may need to reassess your work schedule a bit.

Whatever the adjustments are for you, remember, sleep may just be the missing link in your nutrition, exercise and health regimen. Stick to your Diet Solution Meal Plans and tuck yourself in at 10pm each night and you will be well on your way to fat loss success.

Get started on your own Easy Fat Loss Meal Plans right away with this free Fat Loss Report.

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Healthy Restaurant Eating

Diet Solution ProgramHealthy restaurant eating is possible and can be much easier than you think.  If your schedule has your traveling a lot or opting for take out often, use the ideas below to stick to your healthy meal plans while still enjoying your meal out.Here is my plan of attack whenver I am on vacation, traveling for business or just in a situation that has me ordering out more than I am able to cook.

I do what I call "damage control":Do the best I can, with what I've got and have an awesome time on my trip!

Prepare my "emergency kit". I will pack and take with me: walnuts, almonds, almond butter, organic turkey and beef jerky, apples and pears. None of these need refrigeration so they will keep well wherever you are. If I'm in a situation where there is no protein handy (like when it's time for a snack), I've got my nuts and jerky to tie me over. If you don't have something handy, you just may find yourself grabbing pretzels and potato chips (or whatever other horrid food people eat while away).


There is always a protein on the menu, no matter what. Omelets, or smoked salmon are my favorite choices but I've even gone to places that now carry turkey bacon and turkey sausage on the menu. Stay away from the heavy and deadly pancakes and waffles. This is a blood sugar disaster waiting to happen. Eating a sugar loaded breakfast like this will only set you up for hunger and cravings the rest of the day. And, just may ruin an otherwise great day.

Lunch and Dinner

I have said this before. Most of us know what is healthy on the menu but we still continue to order the crappy stuff. Yes, I do believe in a treat and a cheat meal once or twice a week, but definitely not every night of your vacation. Some people eat and choose items off the menu like they are being sent to starvation camp when they get home. This is not an "all or nothing" deal. You've committed to eating healthy for a lifetime. Don't worry. The food will always be there whether you eat it all at once or space it out over a lifetime.

Ok, back to my point. First, items on the menu that you know are drenched in heavy sauces are an instant No-No. Fettuccine Alfredo? Come on now. Are you serious? Can you get the steak, veggies and salad instead and be just as happy? Or, the Chicken Cacciatore with a side of broccoli rabe? (Yes, we're at an Italian restaurant). Often times, our taste buds are really just as happy with a healthier choice. No, this is not deprivation. This is choosing to feel good, be healthy and eat good food at the same time. Comprende?


I love desserts too and I will definitely get myself a yummy piece of apple pie or chocolaty treat while I am away. But if the piece of dessert is bigger than the size of my head, I will not eat the whole thing. There is no need. My taste buds are just as happy with a few bites (and my body is happier too). Remember, we're not going to starvation camp after this. Trust me, there is enough apple pie, chocolate or (insert your favorite dessert here) to have a small amount at a time for the rest of your life.

The Trolls

The who? Yes, you know who the trolls are. Those people who tell you to "just eat what you want", or "don't torture yourself". These people always seem to come out of hiding when dining with you at a restaurant. (They are also present at parties and family functions. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid). Don't let anybody else tell you that taking care of yourself and feeling great is a bad thing. I don't mean to talk bad about your family and friends, but chances are they are not too thrilled with their current weight and health and really just upset that you actually started to eat healthy and take control of your life.

Remember, there is no need to avoid restaurants and vacations (but please do avoid fast food joints). You just need to focus on the healthier options and have a great time!

Here's one of my favorite desserts, Chocolate Pudding, completely Diet Solution approved, that you can easily make at home:

Watch This Amazing Video For More Information

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Expecting a Flat Stomach After Pregnancy? Think Again

During pregnancy your stomach expands with the growth of your baby and the placenta. This extreme expansion in the size of your stomach is only possible because your body produces the hormone 'relaxin'.

Relaxin is produced during the early part of the pregnancy in large quantities initially by the remnants of the egg shell left behind after ovulation and then by the placenta. Relaxin continues to be produced throughout the whole pregnancy right up until the birth. This hormone helps the abdominal muscles and pelvis to stretch allowing for the growth and eventual birth of the baby.

During pregnancy, the two bands of muscles separate down the midline of the body. This is an on going effect called Diastasis Recti and is a completely natural and painless process.

After the birth your abdominal muscles will naturally tighten to some degree, after just three or four days the muscles will start to realign. However they may take up to six months to recover fully.

The muscles will remain very weak, leaving both your spine and pelvis vulnerable to injury and unless specific post pregnancy pelvic tilting exercises are followed you may have seen the last of your flat stomach forever.

You will have also stored a large percentage of body fat around your stomach and this will still be present after the birth. The only way to get rid of this is to burn away the fat. This may happen naturally over time if you become more active and eat a well balanced diet, or you can take action to lose it yourself.

You can do this in one of two ways: -


The placenta which has been nourishing the baby will be removed at birth and therefore most of the internal bulge will disappear after birth but there may still be some swelling remaining afterwards, so your stomach will look far from flat.

It is quite possible that purple streaky stretch marks may have appeared on and around your stomach during pregnancy, between 70 -90% of mothers suffer from them in some way. These are unfortunately a permanent feature although they will fade within a few months to a barely noticeable silvery white. They pose no health risks at all and will not affect the healing of your stomach after pregnancy.

Your stomach after pregnancy at first will not resemble the one that you once had, but over time it has the potential to be the same again or even better. However these changes will only happen if you take the appropriate actions. To do this you need to exercise regularly to burn away the stored fat and eat the right amount of calories from good quality foods to provide the best nutrients for repair which also ensures that no extra weight is gained.

Finally you will need to exercise and strengthen the stomach muscles regularly especially in the early stages to both realign and tighten up the area. By following these recommendations and doing so regularly you will give yourself the best chances of success of once again having a stomach you can be proud of.

Jago Holmes is a registered personal trainer and director of New Image Fitness Ltd. He is a qualified personal trainer with over 10 years experience working with new mums and pregnant women. He has created a website for new mothers, devoted entirely to safe and effective weight loss after pregnancy. You can get instant access to his free reports here -

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Free How To Digital Scrapbook With Photoshop Tutorials

Today, How to digital scrapbook is now very easy to master thanks to the power of the computer and digital camera technology. And, there are also photo editing software programs that can help in making your ordinary looking photos into professional looking ones. One software program that is very popular among photography enthusiasts and professional photographers is Adobe Photoshop.

So, what's with Adobe Photoshop that it even made professional photographers want one of their own? Well, basically, the great thing about Adobe Photoshop is that this software contains everything that a photographer needs in order to edit pictures. This software is basically a digital photo laboratory where you can edit pictures to make it look even better.

The basics of the software are easy to pick up. However, it can be somewhat a mystery for first time users of Adobe Photoshop because of its un intuitive interface and lack of simple tutorials. If there is a simple tutorial included that will be able to teach the user the different interface of Photoshop, then this will definitely be a software program that everyone can easily understand.

Adobe Photoshop is basically made up of four areas. These areas are the menu bar located at the top, the toolbar located just below the menu bar, the toolbox which is located on the left and the palettes that are located on the right. By understanding the basics of the Photoshop interface, you will be able to start editing your ordinary looking photos and convert them in to something special.

And, the great thing about this software is that you don't have to have a professional SLR digital camera in order for you to take great pictures. But, all you need is an ordinary digital camera. In fact, even a 2 megapixel camera is enough for you to have a high quality picture with the help of Adobe Photoshop. That's the power of this software.

Also, you can never avoid errors on the photos you take. For example, you may experience red eye on the photos where the subject will have red eyes. When this happens, it will be almost impossible for you to remove the red eye unless you take them to a professional photographer that will be able to edit the photos for you.

However, with Adobe Photoshop, all you need to do is remove the red eye with one of the tools provided. If you want to see the Photoshop CS2 "One Click" Red Eye correction tutorial then click here

Motion blurs are another error that can make your pictures look bad. To correct this, Adobe Photoshop has sharpening tools that will be able to remove the hand shake blur errors. If you want your photos to have that misty feel, then there are also blurring tools that you can use.
If the colors are dull, then the software will be able to make the colors look more vibrant like it was taken by a professional photographer.

These are just some of the many things that Adobe Photoshop can do. As you can see, you don't need to be a professional photographer to make really good pictures. With the help of Adobe Photoshop, you can be sure that you will be able to turn those ordinary looking photos in to something magical.

So, if you love to take pictures and you want to produce high quality photos, you may want to get this software. And remember to check out these Free Photoshop Tutorials

Just be creative and get this "Adobe Photoshop Software" FREE report and discover our totally unique step-by-step video training system, designed to make any newbie Photoshop user completely competent with the basics of any Adobe Photoshop Software in record time

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Are Your Fitness Boot Camp Clients Bored?

The success of any bootcamp exercise class depends on the instructor. Apart from great personality, he has to motivate his clients to want to exercise – at least in the beginning until the workout pattern is established.

You can be pretty sure that bootcamp participants always want something different each day and the instructor must be able to give it to them. If he operates a group strength class with a few push ups everyday, he simply cannot call it a fitness boot camp!

He has to come up with new boot camp routines, new fitness games and challenges to avoid the risk of becoming stale. A successful bootcamp is often one where the clients do not see the same class twice during a 4 week session. The instructor should have the ability to challenge both the fittest and the newbies in an exciting way.

That is precisely what Scott York's Fitness Games ebook gives you – 35 new and challenging fitness boot camp games that you can improvise into many, many more. You will be able to come up time and time again with the variety that your clients are looking for.


 Scott York's Fitness Games ebook, which you can download right now at  you information in easy to understand language with none of the technical jargon associated with some fitness and boot camp workouts.

Imagine telling your class 'tempo' and postural distortion or respiratory exchange ratio – they are going to be scratching their heads and thinking twice about coming back.

And the last thing they want at 6 am in the morning is complicated hard to understand instructions.  Instead, you can make each class memorable by making them laugh like kids as they burn calories. You will have clients who want to show up everyday. You will still be using dumbbells, rings, medicine balls and other fitness equipment – but a lot more creatively with these new boot camp games.

You may find that your clients actually get better results when implementing Scott York's Fitness Games than they do with other fitness boot camp workouts due to the fact that they have better consistency in their attendance.

Because your class is MORE FUN!

There is so much variety and fun in these games that you can be sure that your clients will laugh, have fun and burn calories. Plus, they will have more energy and endurance to take them through their long workday.

Scott York is keen on helping other personal trainers make money with their fitness bootcamps. So, along with the Fitness Games ebook, you will also receive some serious marketing information, a killer joint venture letter to boost clientele and also a fitness video success tip sheet to show you how to use video to make your sports games and boot camp workouts highly successful.
Imagine being able to create short boot camp or sports camp videos for your client list SHOWING them how fun your fitness boot camps are and the client testimonials that you receive! You bet they are going to love it.

This ebook is for those who are always looking for fresh ideas to keep their class interested, laughing, helping them burn calories as they enjoy their boot camp exercise.

Make the investment today and bring more laughter and fun to your classes…tomorrow!
P.S. Yes, most of these games can be tweaked to work indoors as well as outdoors!

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Damage Control For Holiday Eating “Accidents” (Part 1)


Tom, If you accidentally pig out or over-indulge at a meal, (a Holiday party for example), are you better off skipping your next meal to keep your daily caloric intake on target, or should you just go ahead and eat your next planned meal and not worry about being somewhat "over" your planned calories for the day?

Wisconsin, USA


Hi Michael, Thats a very good question, but I have to admit I did get a little chuckle out of the "accidental" part! Do you ever really "accidentally" eat anything? I think we are all responsible for everything we eat and how much we eat and until you consciously realize and accept this, and take the time to do some proactive meal planning, you will probably continue to have lots of "overeating accidents!"

To answer your question: after you overindulge, I definitely do NOT recommend skipping your next meal or skipping meals the next day to make up for it. I usually don't even recommend cutting back either, although there may be exceptions where you could manipulate your meal size or macronutrient composition.

I generally recommend returning immediately to your "regularly scheduled meal programming," because this continues to encourage the maintenance of positive habits such as eating 5-6 small meals every day.

I do suppose whether you cut back could depend on whether you've been on low calories a long time, how lean you were already, and on whether you were in a caloric deficit already. If you were in a calorie deficit for the day, then the extra calories might only bring you up to maintenance, not "over" your daily limit, which might not be as damaging as if you were in a calorie surplus.

If you were already very lean or had been dieting strictly for a long time (as in a bodybuilder coming off a competition), a large meal or entire high calorie day might not have any negative effect either. Your metabolism has a way of slowing down if you keep your calories too low 100% of the time.

With occasional (planned) higher calorie days, you'd be using the BURN THE FAT "zig-zag" or "cycling" principle, so eating more in this context can be a positive thing. (Note: You can learn more about this technique in the BURN THE FAT program at ). However, there's a big difference between a planned "cheat meal" or a planned high carb, clean food "re-feed" day and a binge on junk food. Regardless of total 24 hour calorie intake for the day, you could still store body fat after heavy eating if it's done at certain times and in a certain metabolic state.

Although I do prescribe calorie levels based on daily (24 hr) needs, I believe you should also pay attention to 3 hour "windows" when you're thinking about adjusting your caloric intake. Calories and macronutrients (protein/aminos, carbs/sugar and fat) are partitioned into glycogen, muscle or fat tissue or burned immediately depending very much on present moment energy and recovery needs and on what's going to happen over the next 3 hours or so as the food enters your system.

So, if you're going to be plopping down on the couch to watch football games for the rest of the day and night after that big holiday meal, beware – you might just want to cut back on that next meal a little, especially starches and sugars.

Bottom line: It's okay to eat small amounts of your favorite junk foods once in a while as planned "free meals," and it's a good idea to eat more in general from time to time to keep your metabolism humming along. However, your best bet if you're really serious about fat loss is to avoid huge meals and avoid bingeing in the first place. ALWAYS practice portion control – even on holidays.

If you ever do slip, don't beat yourself up, just get right back on the wagon with your next meal and remember, the past is behind you and today is a new day.  <<< Watch This Amazing Video For More Information >>>

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Are You Her Fun Sex Guy, or the Long Term Settle Down Guy?

Guys have a strong psychological preference for female beauty because an attractive body is a sign of fertility (this is just the scientific explanation for why we find hot women so damn attractive).

When it comes to what women find attractive we have been lead to believe that they focus less on physical attraction and more on things like earning potential, trustworthiness and commitment. This isn't entirely accurate as you will see.

This idea that women don't find physical attractiveness important only applies to women seeking long term partners to settle down with a raise a family. Instead other factors as I mentioned above that promote stability are higher up on her list. But how important are they? And how much can a woman really deny her instincts?

Women notice men with fit muscular bodies whether they admit it or not. Women like a muscular physically fit man because subconsciously she understands that it takes effort and energy to maintain such a look. Subconsciously her mind is telling her that by choosing him as a mate her offspring will benefit from his vigor. This is just core primal instinct at work.

I'm sure if you went out today and asked a dozen women why they are attracted to a guy with a fit body they probably wouldn't have any answer beyond: "I don't know, he just looks good!" Well I'm just showing you the scientific reason why she thinks so.

The Trade off…

It is also a generally held belief that women are stuck in a 'trade off' position when it comes to choosing a man to have a sex with whenever the urge comes up, compared to choosing a man to settle down and have a long term relationship with, with the goal of raising children.

For a fun and sex only based relationship, women will be more likely to choose a man based on physical appearance, whereas in a long term partner she will be looking for other traits like commitment and ability to provide for children. The trade off comes in at this point because the look of a man that she is interested in for a short term sexual relationship is also the look of a guy who typically is not interested in a long term commitment and doesn't need to work to get sex. I'm sure you know people that fit into these descriptions perfectly.Perfect Body Measurements

The ideal situation for a woman looking for a long term relationship would be to land a man with the looks and body of the typical "fun and sex guy" who also has the psychological "long term relationship type guy" characteristics as well. But there aren't too many guys who fit this mold. I don't know about you , but I don't know too many guys who purposely choose to settle down with one woman if they can have more.

This is the catch 22 for women, because men who have the looks and body to attract women for short term sexual relationships can have as many of these relationships as they want. Unless raising a family is a high priority for a man like this, there really isn't any incentive for him to pursue a long term sexual exclusive relationship with any one particular woman because he knows he can always have another. This is simply a law of supply and demand. How's that for a completely unromantic way of describing sexual relationships?!

The instinct to be with a muscular man is partly due to the woman's subconscious desire to have her offspring inherit his muscular traits as well. Even the ability to build muscle from exercise is an inherited trait.

I'm not trying to say that women want to sleep with muscular guys so they can give birth to the incredible hulk. What I am showing you is the reason why being in shape and having a muscular body does matter and how it is rooted deep in a woman's subconscious.

This might sound like a bunch of science mumbo jumbo, but you can see examples of these animalistic instincts in our daily lives.

I'm just showing you what drives our actions. We still have very basic instincts driving our sexual desire and a strong healthy body is definitely desirable to women weather they admit it or not.

This means one of your first orders of business should be hitting the gym with the right program like the Adonis Index Workout to start building your body to its fullest potential and attract any woman you want. It's really up to you, do you want to be an object of desire to all women, or the safe alternative she wants to settle down with!?

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Affiliate Marketing: Staying Away From Scams

Many of us are upset and frustrated with our current jobs. The low pay and sense of being undervalued drive many of us to dream of our own businesses. However, the costs combines with the risk factors stops most of us in our tracks. Affiliate marketing is a way for people to work for themselves with no risk. There is no cost to you and you're paid on performance. However, today one has to be careful. There are plenty of scammers and con artists out there that are more than happy to take you money and hard work off of you. Unfortunately, affiliate marketing is not immune to these scammers. Daily, people are taken in by promises of big money with relatively little effort. In this article we will teach you some of the signs to look for and tell you how to spot a scam.

When you join an affiliate marketing scheme, you either going to sell a product or a service. With products, you usually have a choice and range to sell. How you decide to do this is largely up to you. You could also sell a service. Web page designs as well as increasing sales and internet traffic are all examples of services offered by affiliate marketing programs.

How many times have you seen as ad on the internet promising huge earnings? Things like "Earn 1000$ a day" or Join our program now and become a millionaire. If your look closely at these ads they are not actually selling anything. Any company that is just selling the opportunity to make money is likely a scam. True, some affiliate marketing companies will have attention grabbing headlines like the ones mentioned above. However, if you go on to read the ad and information, there will likely be a detailed description of what they company sells. They will also have a disclaimer and terms and conditions listed.

These companies that offer, the opportunity to make money are likely pyramid schemes. The only people paying money in are the ones actually joining. There is no income being created, just money being passed from person to person. Not only are these scams and you'll loose what you invested, they are also illegal and you can face prosecution.

Another thing to watch out for is no free participation. If you have to pay to join then you may have stumbled upon a scam or what is known as a multilevel marketing program. Multi-level marketing programs are completely legal and some people make good livings out of them. However, if you're not successful you may end up purchasing a bunch of products that you cannot sell.

True affiliate programs are free. That is part of their attraction. There are no costs to you and they should also be risk free. Any Affiliate marketing programs that demands your money is not an affiliate program. You should ask yourself why they are misrepresenting themselves this way if they are legitimate.

Many of us dream of being our own bosses. We would love to be able to take control of our lives and careers. The attraction of answering only to you combined with setting your own working hours and committing what your choose bring loads of people into the affiliate marketing schemes. Affilaite marketing can be an excellent way for a highly motivated, creative person to make an excellent living. There are some wonderful programs out there just waiting to be joined. However, for every great program there is likely one that is fraudulent. Con artists operate in many areas and unfortunate affiliate marketing is not immune.

Before joining, check to see what the company is selling. If they are not selling goods or services then they are likely an illegal pyramid scheme. If they require your own money to get started then they are what are known as a multi level marketing program. Affiliate marketing can be a great opportunity but you need to do your homework.


Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

5X5 Workout Routine

5x5 program 5 sets 5 reps of each exercise

Sometimes, we all get in a rut or hit a plateau and are looking for a routine to shake things up and kick-start the gains. And often, when this happens, guys start looking for the newest "hot" routine they see in a magazine. But more often than not, the answer is not found in what's new and hot, but rather, it's found in what is tried and true. If this might be you, then you definitely ought to consider the 5×5 workout. It's a readily adaptable time-tested routine that is ideal for beginners and advanced trainers alike.

The foundation of 5×5 is pretty simple-five reps and five sets of each exercise. You get a 90-second rest between sets and a three minute break between exercises if your goal is strength or a 90-second break between exercises if your objective is gaining size. You can also choose something in the middle-the choice is yours and depends entirely on what you hope to achieve.

Because of its intensity, powerlifters often use the 5×5 program to realize gains in both size and strength. It's also an ideal training regimen for someone who has been lifting higher reps for a while before starting a serious powerlifting program.

5x5 time proven classic workoutThe basic 5×5 program can be done either as a split or full-body routine. You can do a full-body workout 2-3 times a week or, you can alternate upper body one day and lower body the next or any other combination that you'd like. Whatever you decide, you can maximize your results by focusing on compound exercises-which use multiple muscle groups-rather than isolation exercises that only focus in a single muscle.

To make the most of 5×5 you should use the maximum weight you can lift. When you're able to do 5 sets of 5 with that weight, increase the weight by 5 – 10% until you can again do 5 sets of 5 and so on. You can also increase the intensity by shortening your rest periods between sets and exercises.

Here are some sample routines (note: because the 5×5 program is intense, always be sure to do several warm-up sets before getting started). Remember that the 5×5 routine is highly adaptable so come up with combinations that work for you. In any case though, keep your workout to a maximum of one-hour.

Full-body workout:

This is a great full-body workout you can do three times a week:

Split routines:

Here are a couple of good split 5×5 routines to get you started:

Split one:

Split two: This is an advanced 6-day a week routine (alternate A/B):

One of the things I love about 5×5 is that it is highly adaptable to meet your particular lifting goals. Since 5×5 has been around for so long, it's easy to find plenty of proven routines for just about anyone-beginners, powerlifters, high-intensity trainers and lots more. Because of its intensity, whether you're doing a full-body workout, a split routine or another modified version of the program, you should do the 5×5 program on a 12-week cycle. Work it hard for 12 weeks and at the end of the cycle take a week or two off from the gym to give your body a chance to recover.

Particularly when it comes to bodybuilding, the answers to what we seek are not necessarily found by looking for the latest and greatest but by looking to the past, learning from the wisdom and experience of the greats who came before us. If you're looking to make gains in both size and strength, and you think you're up to the challenge, then you might want to give the 5×5 workout a try-you won't be disappointed.

More Information About Muscle Building Click Here

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4 Things ALL Articles Must Have – Don’t Forget!

The importance of articles in todayï?½s websites and internet based companies are immeasurable. They dictate a lot in the success and the drive of traffic into one site. It has become a key element in making a site work and earns a profit. A website operator and owner must have the good sense to include articles in his or her site that will work for them and earn them the many benefits articles can give to their site.

Articles have been known to be the driving force in driving traffic to a website. Articles are a factor in giving site high rankings in search result pages. The higher a site ranks the bigger slice of the traffic flow pie he gets. With a huge number in traffic flow, there are more profits and more potential for other income generating schemes as well.

But, it is not just about stuffing your site with articles; they have certain requirements as well. These requirements must be met to obtain the maximum benefits an article will provide for your site. A well written article will catch the eyes and interest of your customers and keep them coming back for more. They would also be able to recommend your site to others.

Here are some tips to help you and assist you in making your articles. Below you will read about four things all articles must have to make it successful and helpful in making your site a profit earning and traffic overflowing site.

Keywords and Keyword Phrases.

An article must always be centered on the keywords and keyword phrases. As each website visitor goes to a site, there are those who are just merely browsing but actually looking for a specific something. When this happens, a searcher usually goes to a search engine and types in the keywords they are looking for (e.g. Toyota Camry, Meningitis, Tax Lawyer and Etcetera). It could be anything they want.

The Important thing is that you have an article that has the keywords that are related to your site. For example, if you maintain an auto parts site, you must be able t have articles about cars and their parts. There are many tools in the internet that provides service in helping a webmaster out in determining what keywords and keyword phrases are mostly sought out. You can use this tool to determine what keywords to use and write about.

Keyword Density

Know that you have your keywords and keyword phrases, you must use them fully. An article must have good keyword density for a search engine to ï?½feelï?½ its presence. Articles should at least have ten to fifteen percent of keyword density in their content for search engines to rank a site high in their search results. Getting a high rank is what articles do best for a site.

Keyword density is the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase is used on an article. The number varies depending on the number of words used in an article. An effective article must have a keyword density that is not too high or too low. With a very high density, the essence of the article is lost and may turn off a reader as well as the search engines. It comes off as overeager. A low number may be ignored by the search engines.

Good Article Content

Like what is stated above, you cannot just riddle an article with keywords. They must also be regarded as good reading materials. Articles must be able to entertain people as well as provide good information and help for their needs. Articles should be written well with correct spelling and good grammar. If you want people to trust you, make your work good and well thought out.

People respond well to figures, facts and statistics. Try to get great information and as many facts as you can. A good and well written article will boost your reputation as an expert in your chosen field or topic. As more people believe in you. They will be able to trust you and your products.

Linking Articles

And another important thing to remember. If you are going to submit articles to ezines and/or contribute your articles to newsletters and other sites, DONï?½T ever forget to include a link to your site. A little resource box with a brief description of your site and you should always be placed right after your articles that you have submitted. If people like your articles, they will most likely click on the link directing them to your site.


Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

3 Easy Exercises for Back Pain Relief

Back pain is such an obvious problem in our day-to-day lives that we either let it get the best of us, take way too many over-the-counter pain or anti-inflammatory pills, or run to the doctor for physical therapy or surgery. And you know the pain or spasm is coming (or going to get worse than it already is), because you had a stressful day at work or you lifted too many boxes or pull a weed the wrong way from your beautiful garden.back problems and pain

The good news is that suffering back pain need not be a part of your daily routine. All you need to do is engage in a few easy exercises to loosen up and restore proper posture, and your back will be supple in no time.

You don't need a personal trainer or a gym membership, or even a lot of space to do them. And these three simple exercises should always be your first line of "therapy" when you feel a twinge of discomfort… and certainly long before you reach for the pain relievers or muscles relaxants. A few relaxed sets of each of these exercises can immediately make you feel better, and prevent a needless trip to the doctor.

These simple exercises are knee bends, waist twists and hip rolls. They are a great way to get the blood moving, release those feel-good endorphins, stretch the muscles, restore normal range of motion and help you detox those nasty toxins that cause pain and inflammation. These are the secrets to back pain relief — and prevention.

Since these simple exercises contract and extend the major muscle groups, including the core stabilizing muscles, you can do them anytime with varying degrees of difficulty. Simply adjust them as you get more accustomed to doing them.

Done regularly, these beneficial exercises will increase your health and fitness levels by promoting blood circulation and releasing muscle tightness and spasms, thus helping to tone your body. They will make you feel warmer and even help improve your digestive health as they assist the action of your intestines to move the bowels and aid in the detoxification process.

Detoxing is important when considering pain, as toxins (metabolic waste) in the blood and muscles creates inflammation and pain.

Let's now look at how easy it is to do these three simple back pain relief exercises:

Exercise 1 — Hip Rolls:

Stand back away from your support and stand with legs at shoulder-width apart.

Tighten your abdominal muscles and put your hands on your hips.

Imagine you have a hula hoop, or are doing the hula, and rotate your hips clockwise 5 times, then rotate them counter-clockwise 5 times.

Be sure to relax and smile and breathe naturally with this exercise.


Exercise 2 — Waist Twists:

With your hands relaxed at your sides and with feet a shoulder-width apart, simply start swinging your arms right then left, patting both hands on your lower back as they reach around.

This will massage the kidneys. Be sure not to swing or pat too hard, just in a relaxed easy motion! Breathe naturally and relax.knee bends - back exercise

Simply do a count of 10, and then relax.  Then move onto the next exercise.


Exercise 3 — Knee Bends:

Do some gentle, relaxed knee bends. If you have knee or back issues it is best to do them with the assistance of a chair, table or desk.

Stand in a relaxed shoulder-width position and place your hands on the support. Tighten your stomach muscles and exhale while bending your knees and going down as far as you can without falling or straining your knees.  Inhale while standing up. Do 10 of these to finish thisfree back pain relief book quick exercise circuit.
The complete series of these three simple exercises only takes about two minutes to complete. Initially, try to do the exercises three times each day.

So take an exercise break at work instead of a coffee or cigarette break! You'll be delighted on how good your low back will start to feel over time.

Click here to grab a copy of the FREE Book – The 7-Day Back Pain Cure


Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

10 Best Fat Burning Foods

When it comes to losing weight there are some foods that can really help speed up the process. Some foods have properties that make them ideal for fat fighters. Inclusion of such foods in a healthy long-term dieting plan can really help us to shed those pounds a lot faster. Here is a list of the 10 best fat burning foods from Lunch Box Diet author Simon Lovell.

1. Green Leafy Vegetables

Leafy green veggies such as lettuce and cabbages are rich in fibre, folic acid, vitamin C, and various other nutrients. As well as being rich in all these nutrients, they are also very low in calories. Vegetables like this should be heavily included in any healthy diet plan
2. Whole Grain Cereal

Whole grain cereals are rich in both fibre and complex carbohydrates. Both of these are helpful for maintaining low insulin levels and boosting metabolism. Keeping insulin levels low is crucial for losing weight.

3. Eggs

Eggs are another food that give your metabolism a boost, and they are also a good source of protein. Eating eggs in the morning can get your metabolism in good shape for the rest of the day. Eggs are very good to eat if you exercise a lot. You may want to avoid the egg yolk however if you are worried about cholesterol levels.

4. Brocolli

Low in calories and high in fibre, broccoli and other green vegetables are excellent for burning fat. Broccoli contains indoles and sulforaphane which reduce oestrogen levels and increase out natural fat burning hormones. Known as 'Green fibrous fat burner', green veggies like broccoli should be consumed a lot if you are looking to lose weight.

5. Beans

Beans have no fat and are high in protein and fibre. They clean your system out and keep the digestive system working efficiently. The soluble fibre in beans traps bile and also lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) without affecting good cholesterol (HDL). Lima beans, white beans and navy beans are all great fat burning foods.

6. Lean Meats

Leans meats are a good source of amino acids and are very rich in protein. Being as the body has to work and use up a lot of energy to digest proteins, it burns a lot of calories in the process. The amino acids are good for boosting metabolism and building lean muscle tissue.
7. Oranges

Oranges contain vitamin C as well as fibre which are both beneficial to burning fat. The vitamin C in oranges promote production of Carnitine which helps to oxidise fatty acids. Oxidising fatty acids breaks down fats so your body can burn them.

8. Low Fat Yoghurt

By providing us with protein, calcium and positive bacteria, low fat yoghurt can give a great natural boost to our metabolism and improve the efficiency of our digestive systems. The high protein levels mean lots of calories are burned while digesting.

9. Green Tea

The health benefits of green tea and green tea supplement have been known for many years. Green tea is low in calories and rich in polyohenois and catechin which help the body to burn calories faster. Catechins help to stabilize glucose levels which is necessary for avoiding weight gain.

10. Brown Rice

Substituting white rice for brown rice can help speed up your weight loss quest. Brown rice in rich in fibre and supplies the body with complex carbohydrates needed for keeping the body full of energy.

If your diet plan includes many of the foods mentioned above, then you're well on the way to shedding those pounds. Remember though, there is no one super-food that is going to magically make your body fat disappear.

A long term healthy eating plan with a variety of nutrients is necessary if you want to lose weight. Don't expect results overnight, but if you commit to eating healthy foods like the ones listed above as the core of your diet plan, you'll see results soon enough. Check out The Lunch Box Diet as a great healthy way of losing weight, it's been voted 'the best diet' 5/5 by Elle Magazine. Click here to get started.

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

10 Tips For Using Adobe Photoshop

Like a brush is to a painter an essential skill in the field of graphic design is Photoshop.

The software offers increased productivity as well as flexibility. The features include aspects like file browser, vanishing point tool, smart sharpen filter, noise reduction filter, smart objects, as well as camera workflow enhancements.

Photoshop offers professional photo editing features, digital imaging, as well as non destructive editing.

There are so many hidden features and insights to software, that it is often impossible to know them all.

1. There is a hidden option using which you can simulate bold and italic formatting styles for fonts that do not have these options. Click the button on the type tool option to bring up the character palette. Then select text and click the arrow in the upper right hand corner of the palette menu where faux bold and italics are present. However you will not be able to warp type when formatting has been applied.

2. One can quickly flip through blend modes while trying out effects by using the keys "shift+ to change to next mode and shift- to go to the previous mode." When a painting tool is active this shortcut will change the blend mode of the painting tool. However, if anything is highlighted then the shortcut will not work. You will have press esc and then use the shortcut keys again.

3. The photomerge feature can be used to seamlessly combine multiple images to create a panorama. This feature can be accessed from the Automate menu. You can even refine the composition using tools like rotate, zoom, pan, and set vanishing point.

4. When re-sampling images one can use either Bicubic Smoother or Bicubic Sharper. You can use Bicubic smoother for up sampling and Bicubic sharper for down sampling. You can actually specify which interpolation method is to be used by going to general preferences and setting a default.

5. There are two features for printing. You can use contact sheet II or picture package. Use contact sheet when you want all images in the same size and you want to print the name below the image. Use printer package when you want different image sizes on the same page, or multiple copies of the same image, or a text overlay.

6. If you want to remove a glare on the eyeglasses of an image you should use a part of the lens that does not have a glare and use it to layer the lens with a glare. Use tools like rotate and skew and soft-tip eraser to soften the edges. Ensure the glare does not show through from below. Or, do some careful work using the clone tool.

7. The online services enable you to connect to online photo printing and sharing sites.

8. The Web Photo gallery can generate hyperlink pages that can be uploaded to a server.

9. The Picture Package option will help you prepare photos in layout with multiple size prints on one page.

10. You will never forget how you achieved a certain result because the History Log will detail every step taken by you as well as time-tracking, and a legal record. There are three choices wherein, you can create a sessions only record where, it will record only when Photoshop is opened or closed; or a concise record which will record each action including the text that appears in the history palette; or the complete editing history including the text that appears in the actions palette.

Adobe Photoshop is a dream tool for every designer and one can over time master every subtlety of the tool and crop, rotate, resize, create shapes, add layers, change text, and play with colors. It is a hands on software where the more you use it the more you will learn.

Master The Basics Of Adobe Photoshop With My 2 Hour Easy To Use Photoshop Video Tutorial.

For More Information Click Here

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Affiliate Marketing Options

Have you been wanting to give your current job the shove for quite some time? Do you have the tune, take this job and shove it as your cell phone ring tone? Would you love to get into your own business but you're afraid of the risk? Well the fears of risk are nothing to be laughed at. The vast majority of small businesses fail within the first year. There are a variety of reasons but the financial risk is incredibly high. To minimize the risk many look into the field of affiliate marketing. This takes about 90% percent of the risk factor away and allows you to set up a business for yourself.

As an affiliate, you do actually work for another company or merchant. You sell either products or services depending on your particular skills and talents. Affiliate program are great for those that are creative, self motivated and not afraid of hard work. When you become an affiliate, the corporation takes on the risk. You can sign on to sell products or you can sell services. You can work to increase website traffic to other sites and receive referral payments, or you can create your own sites ad make money through ad revenue. The choice is entirely yours.

IF you are just starting out, you may want to join and affiliate program that has been established. You won't be competing with other internet giants and you'll gain some necessary skills and experience. One well known affiliate partner ship is the one that exists between Bizrate and shopzilla.

Both of these two sites exist as separate entities. However they have combines their resources to make an excellent affiliate program. Bizrate functions as a comparison shopping site. If someone wants a certain item they can search for it via Bizrate. The site will tell you where to purchase it and how much it charges. They will give you a complete item description as well. Bizrate also lets the consumers know who is offering particular items for the lowest price and who offers the best value for money. Bizrate gives consumers a chance to check out merchant reviews as well.

Shopzilla functions as an internet shopping site. They sell goods in several different categories and promise low prices with quality service. You can purchase nearly anything you like via the shopzilla site. If you have a credit or debit card the item will be delivered directly to you.

Shopzilla offers people the chance to join there affiliate marketing program. As one of their affiliates you are welcome to place sales content onto their site. You can place products that you might be selling for another affiliate company that you are working for; or you can work to increase the sales and revenue of the content already listed. Each method can result in sales commission and more money for you.

One great advantage of the shopzilla affiliate marketing program is that it works with the bizrate site. Even though shopzilla runs the affiliate program it has the support and backing of another major retail site. Your content can be posted on shopzilla and then reviewed on bizrate. If you're a good seller and offer a quality product this can be highly advantageous. By becoming a good reliable merchant, you can get the bizrate high rating which will make customer trust you over others.

If you are creative and have sales savvy then perhaps you should consider a career in affiliate marketing. This will allow you to work for yourself with very little risk to you. It is easy to get started and the costs are next to nothing. If you have a computer and internet then you're all set. By taking advantage of the shopzilla-Bizrate partnership, you can maximize your earning potential. By placing your content on shopzilla and having it rated on bizrate, you can gain a high level of exposure and internet traffic. If you offer a quality product and conduct yourself as a god merchant, there is no reason why these two sites can't make you a lot of money.


Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Body Part Isolation vs. Complex Movements in Strength Training

Working as a personal trainer & fitness professional, there is one type of question I get all the time that shows that many people are missing the big picture regarding the benefits of strength training. This popular question usually goes something like this:

"What exercise can I do to isolate my _______ (insert your muscle of choice – abs, quads, biceps, triceps, etc)?"

It doesn't matter which muscle someone is asking about, they always seem to be asking how to 'isolate' it. My first response to this question is always – "Why in the world would you want to isolate it?"

The first thing I try to teach my clients is that the body does not work well in muscle isolation. Rather, it works better in movements along a kinetic chain; that is, large portions of the body assist other portions of the body in completing a complex movement. In fact, there really is no such thing as true muscle isolation. There is almost always a nearby muscle group that will assist in some way with whatever movement you are doing. However, this article compares attempting to 'isolate' body parts via single-joint exercises to the much more effective strategy of performing multi-joint complex movements.

When you attempt to 'isolate' muscles by performing single-joint exercises, you are actually creating a body that is non-functional and will be more prone to injury. Essentially, you are creating a body that is a compilation of body parts, instead of a powerful, functional unit that works together.

Now if you really want to end up hobbling around in a body bandaged up with joint problems, tendonitis, and excess body fat, then by all means, continue trying to 'isolate' body parts. On the other hand, if you would rather have a lean, muscular, injury-free, functional body that works as a complete powerful unit to perform complex movements (in athletics or even everyday tasks), then you need to shift your focus away from muscle isolation.

Believe me, focusing on how well your body functions will give you the side effect of a body that looks even better than it would have if you focused on muscle isolation. For example, take a look at the physiques of any NFL running backs, wide receivers, or even world class sprinters. Trust me when I say that these guys pretty much NEVER train for muscle isolation (their strength coaches wouldn't be crazy enough to let them), yet they are absolutely ripped to shreds! Just look at guys like Maurice Green or Terrell Owens and tell me who wouldn't want a physique like those guys.

Another benefit to moving away from the 'muscle isolation' mindset in weight training to a more 'complex movement' mindset is that you will find it much easier to lose body fat. The reason is that by focusing more on multi-joint complex movements as opposed to single-joint muscle isolation lifts, you not only burn a lot more calories during each workout, but you also increase your metabolic rate, and stimulate production of more fat burning and muscle building hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone.

Let's look at an example. The machine leg extension is a single joint exercise that works mainly the quadriceps, can potentially cause knee joint instability in the long run, and doesn't even burn that many calories. On the other hand, exercises like squats, lunges, step-ups, and deadlifts are all multi-joint complex movements that work hundreds of muscles in the body (including the quadriceps) as a functional unit, create more stable and strong joints in the long run (when done properly), and also burn massive quantities of calories compared to the single-joint exercises. 

Now although I do feel that multi-joint exercises should comprise the majority of your weight training workouts, I also think that there can be some benefits with just minor inclusions of single-joint exercises for variety, etc.  I choose to build my training programs with about 90-95% multi-joint exercises and about 5-10% single-joint exercises at most.

If you're interested in discovering more ways to create a body that looks as good as it functions, pick up a copy of my innovative book The Truth About Six Pack Abs

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Don’t waste your time! Create one thousand articles with a simple click of a button today!

Article RewriterAs a freelance writer, some of my least favorite projects are those where the client wants me to rewrite an existing article. I have since learned "the truth about this type of statement, "It only involves a little editing, "which in fact means, "You'll have to rewrite the whole article so that it makes sense"! My advice to you is, simply be independent! Have you ever tried to determine in advance how much "editing" you have to do? If you agree with that, then be prepared to initiate a waste of time in the never-ending "rewrite article" process, which will even not pay for itself, because after all you are not a machine!

Here you may ask, "How can I be independent, when I lose my entire time to write and rewrite article after article?"… and you will be right! But what if there was a real solution that can save you tons of time and give you hundreds of articles in a matter of minutes? Would you want to know what the alternatives in all this are? OK, I will tell you! The alternative is Magic Article Rewriter and costs only $47!

Yes, $47 will after that return you hundreds if not thousands in a matter of weeks or only several months! Not to mention that during that time, you won't have to waste your days to rewrite article after article and article after article till you fade out!

What are the powerful features of Magic Article Rewriter?

The first is the user-friendly interface. You will be impressed, just as I was when I saw it and worked with it! The second great feature is that you have a large database of a thesaurus dictionary and at least 5-10 synonyms for every single word that you will put in the spinner! However, this is not the greatest feature yet!

The greatest feature is that you have to functions, called "Save Token" and "Apply Token"! This means that after you have created a certain combination of synonyms, you can save them into the database, and then with the click of a button, tokens will be applied automatically! This means that the more you work with the software, the more intelligent and effective it gets!

You think that this is the coolest feature? Oh, no… wait, there's even much more!

You can not only spin words, sentences and whole paragraphs, but you can also purchase the special Magic Tokens Database, which has over 12000 word combinations and word phrases, formulated in a way that will give you at least 30% automatic spun of your article and the output will always have perfect sense! Not to mention that 30% spun is almost certainly to even pass the Copyscape test! This means that with the click of a button, you get unique, Copyscape passed content! Imagine if today you have the time to click that button 1000 times… you can get several thousand articles in one day only! Now, how do you see that? Can you see the unlimited potential that grows with every minute passed? If you do, then don't waste your time anymore and order this amazing software today!

For More Information Click Here

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Eczema : When You Feel The Itch…Unwind!


Increased stress at school, home, and at work can take its toll on your physical, emotional and psychological well-being. It can cause you to feel extremely fatigued and can make your skin act up. Acne breakouts occur when pores become clogged. Still, it is not always acne that we should be worried about. Red, irritated, and itchy skin can be an eczema in the offing.
Eczema is a common skin irritation characterized by reddening of the skin which sometimes appear as small, oozing, fluid-filled bumps. There are many forms of eczema, but atopic eczema is one of the most common and severe. There is no exact known cause for eczema but doctors believe that skin allergies and the way a person's immune system reacts to things may be involved in the formation of eczema.
Eczema is not contagious but scientists believe that some are predisposed to this skin condition if their parents or close family relatives also have eczema and allergies like hay fever or asthma. Some people who develop eczema are also allergic to cow's milk, soy, eggs, fish, or wheat. Allergies to animal dander, rough fabrics, and dust may also trigger the condition in some people.
People who are under severe stress may find it difficult to avoid all the triggers, or irritants, that cause or worsen eczema flare-ups. These itchy patches of eczema may affect any part of the body but are usually seen where the elbow bends, on the backs of the knees, ankles, wrists, face, neck, and upper chest.
Eczema flare-up may feel hot and itchy at first, prompting the person to scratch it. Continuous scratching will eventually make the patch turn red, inflamed, and blistered. When heavily scratched, the skin becomes almost leathery in texture. Others find that their skin becomes extremely dry and scaly.
Atopic eczema can easily be confused with a skin condition called contact dermatitis, which happens when the skin comes in contact with an irritating substance like the perfume in a certain detergent. Dermatologists usually conduct physical examination and inquire about your medical history, your family's health history, and the medications you have been taking in order to make proper diagnosis. Since emotional stress can also lead to eczema flare-ups, your doctor might also inquire about any problems you might be having at school, home, or work.
Treatment can be in the form of creams and ointments that help soothe the redness and irritation. Some anti-eczema medications are taken orally. In cases of severe eczema, ultraviolet light therapy can help clear up the condition.
Eczema cannot be cured but its symptoms can be managed. However, there are many ways to prevent a possible eczema flare up. Use only nondrying facial cleanser or soap substitute for facial eczema. This will keep facial skin from being irritated. A non-comedogenic/oil-free facial moisturizer can also help ease the dryness and itchiness cause by eczema. Try not to apply make-up or use only hypoallergenic makeup and sunscreens.
Furthermore, try to avoid substances that may stress your skin such as housesehold cleaners, drying soaps, detergents, and fragranced lotions. It is possible that too much exposure to water can dry out your skin. A brief shower with warm water is advised but it may be advisable to wear gloves if your hands will be in water for long periods of time. Pat your skin dry gently and thoroughly. Do not rub with a coarse towel which can irritate the condition. Remember, it isn't the water that causes your skin to react; it's the water evaporating if not dried soon enough. Wear clothes made from cotton fabrics. Avoid scratchy fabrics like wool which can irritate the skin. Do not scratch no matter how itchy it gets. Scratching can worsen the eczema and cause breaks in the skin which could lead to bacterial infections.
Although there is no cure yet for eczema, it usually clears up by the time you reach the age of 25. In the meantime, learn to manage the condition by avoiding anything that will trigger it. Since stress can trigger eczema, find time to unwind and relax. Engage in different activities that will set your mind off from the itch.

More Information To Eczema Treatment Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Fast and Easy Weight Loss tips you can start Right Now

I must get this call and this statement from busy moms, executives, students, all the time "I just don't have time to eat right and exercise!" No one seems to be able to find the time to lose weight. With all of the responsibilities and events packed into our busy days how are we to keep ourselves healthy and maintain an optimal weight?When people think weight loss, they think diet and exercise, both of which already sound time consuming. Well after 10 years of seeing clients I will tell you with 100% certainty that if a client follows their nutrition plan without exercise they always lose weight but if they don't follow their nutrition plan but are consistent with their workouts, there is no weight loss. Anyone who has ever attempted to lose weight without changing to healthier eating alternatives knows this is true. Trust me, I'll be the first one to tell you all the reasons why exercise is so important but following a healthy eating regimen must be priority number 1!

So if nothing else, the following easy adjustments in your nutrition plan will help to take off, at the very least, an initial 5-10 lbs to get you well on your way to your health and weight loss goals:

1. Only drink water as your beverage (with the occasional unsweetened tea or black coffee).

Eliminating all sugar drinks, "diet" drinks and sodas will automatically cause a dramatic weight loss. Studies have shown, when all else is kept constant, people lose up to 10lbs just by giving up diet coke. But it has no calories you say? Equal (Aspartame) and all other artificial sweeteners like Splenda and Sweet and Low are toxins to your body and cause weight gain, even more so than sugar!

Squeeze fresh lemon in your water or make flavored herbal teas and cool them to make ice tea to make water drinking much easier. Always consume ½ of your body weight in ounces of water per day to experience adequate hydration and weight loss (ex. If you weigh 150lbs, you must drink 75 ounces of water each day).

2. Eliminate the 4 white devils

White Flour, Refined Salt, White Sugar, and Dairy. If you just stay away from these 4 things, you will automatically see a drastic drop in weight and will instantly feel more energetic throughout the day. Most people are well aware of the harmful effects of flour, refined salt and sugar but dairy? Doesn't it do a body good? Definitely not! Dairy is one of the number 1 reasons people have such a hard time losing weight. It causes inflammation in the body, digestive problems, clogged arteries, and weight gain. Get your calcium from leafy greens and avoid dairy at all costs. When moms bring in their children to see me with weight and health problems one of the first things I do is take them off dairy. The results are miraculous! Chronically sick kids are now automatically better. And those who have had such a hard time losing weight experience automatic weight loss without dairy.

3. Know exactly where to find the healthy food!

It is honestly just as easy to run in to the local supermarket and get a bag of carrots and some almonds as it is to run into a Quickie-Mart and buy some harmful processed food. You can go absolutely anywhere now and find healthy meal options but you must know what you are looking for. Stay away from most packaged foods as the label indicates more of a science experiment than anything that would be close to food. No one needs all of those toxins in their body. Labels should have 2 – 3 items, at most. And the best foods don't have labels.

Don't let time be your excuse. If you stop to eat 2-3 times per day and snack in between it is just as easy to find something healthy as it is to find something harmful. Don't let your body come to a shrieking halt before you decide to do anything about your weight and your health. You know what will be a huge impediment on your time? If you or a family member becomes ill due to poor nutrition and lifestyle habits. So tackle the problem now before it really does begin to affect your time and your life! You can replace cars, homes and all material items, but you only get one body! Take good care of it.

Be well on your way to achieving your own Fat Loss and Health Goals with these Simple and Easy Fat Burning Meal Plans.

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Gout vs Diet

The cause of gout is a high blood level of uric acids which is a waste product. The waste product is a breakdown of purines which are substances naturally found in your body. Purines are also found in several types of food.

The treatment of gout, in times past, included very strict dietary regiments but because of medications that are used to combat gout the regiments are not as harsh as they once were.

There still are some recommended dietary modifications though as they can greatly help your chances of avoiding gout flare-ups. Many medications for gout cause many, potentially serious, side effects so dietary modifications can be a better option than the medications.

Some of the foods that are high in purines and should be avoided are liver, brain, kidney, sweetbread, anchovies, peas, beans, mackerel, mincemeat, scallops, muscles, and herring. Other foods such as poultry, meat, and fish have lesser amounts of purines so it is suggested that they be eaten in moderation.

Other ways that you can lower the risk of gout naturally are:

1.      Avoiding alcohol altogether or only drinking it in moderation, perhaps saving yourself for special occasions only. Drinking a lot of alcohol increases the risk of hyperuricemia, as the alcohol gets in the way of the natural removal of uric acids from the body. If you have gout and especially if you are having a gout attack alcohol should be avoided completely.

2.      Make sure to drink plenty of fluids to flush the system of uric acids. Aim for around 2 liters of water a day, more if you are exercising or have a physical job.

3.      Try to maintain a healthy weight. The more excess weight you are holding the more stress is then put on your joints increasing the possibility of gout.

4.      Try to lose excess weight but do not do so by rapid weight loss diets as they can increase uric acid levels in the blood. In weight loss also avoid low-carb diets as they are high in fat and protein. Consuming too much of these types of foods can increase your chances of developing hyperuricemia.

Foods that are low in purines will help in keeping gout at bay. Below is a list of foods which are low in purines.

1.      Breakfast – Cereals and breads, coffee, tea, oatmeal, eggs, fruits, juices, cheese (low fat), milk, and peanut butter.

2.      Lunch – Nuts and peanut butter, pasta macaroni, soups, cream style soups, cheeses (low fat) and  broths

3.      Dinner – Pasta, macaroni, eggs, vegetables, breads and cereals, low-fat cheeses and soups.

Other foods and food items low in purines are gelatin, fats and oils (in small amounts), soda, sugar, syrups, and other sweets in moderation.

As with anything, moderation is the key to a low purine diet. Some foods which have a moderate purine level are: beef, lamb, pork, vegetables such as mushrooms, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, wheat germ, all types of yeast and gravies.

It is ok to have these foods as long is it is in moderation. Even foods that are high in purines can be eaten occasionally unless you have gout or are having an attack of gout.

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

The Hangover - Daily funny quotes

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Today's Quote: "
There is something I want to remind you of. Our best friend, Doug, is probably face down in a ditch right now with a meth head butt f*cking his corpse."

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